[Interest] FileDialog: errors and crashes, especially in debug mode

mail at herrdiel.de mail at herrdiel.de
Sun Apr 15 16:00:29 CEST 2018

Hi again,

the QtQuick FileDialog seems to be borked for debug on (or by?) Win10.
I've filed a bug here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-67711

Any input / workaround idea is highly welcome! This keeps me from 
debugging, thus from properly developing my app.

Am I really the first / only one here to experience this problem?

Best regards,


P.S.: Please forget about the "missing fileMode" - side note, 'twas my 
bad (it exists in lab version only).

Am 13.04.2018 um 17:49 schrieb mail at herrdiel.de:
> Hi,
> I still have the problem mentioned in the attached mail from a few 
> days ago.
> I've found out, that this behaviour is linked to QML's FileDialog that 
> I use in this way:
> FileDialog{
> //MessageDialog{
> id:csvFileDialog
> //fileMode:FileDialog.SaveFile
> folder:(myFolder)
> onAccepted:{
> appController.importCSVAction(myFilename)//for testing, normally csvFileDialog.fileUrl
>   csvFileDialog.close()
> }
>      }
> The crash (stacktrace: see below) comes a few seconds after accepting 
> the FileDialog. It is - contrary to my last mail - also responsible 
> for crashes without running with Debugger.
> Those non-debug crashes appear later when I rush through the following 
> UI pages (no crashes when I give the interface some time to rest!), 
> quite some time after the FileDialog has been closed, so I had put the 
> blame on my code.
> Error messages before (when opening the FileDialog) are galore and 
> diverse (see attached email) . Common is the term "onecore", there is 
> "library not registered", "out of memory" (rubbish!), "can't find the 
> specified file" and such.
> When I Change it to "MessageDialog" (and comment out the folder 
> property) everything runs like a charm and my code is working, too. No 
> crashes, no matter how much load pressure I apply to the program.
> Interesting side note: my FilderDialog doesn't know the 
> "fileMode:"property!
> I am importing the modules below, the problem appears with Dialogs 1.2 
> as well as 1.1 (using the OLDDIALOGS qualifier).
> Seems like a Qt bug because of changes in Win10 - is that correct?
> Anyone any ideas?
> Sebastian
> importQtQuick2.7
> importQtQuick.Controls1.4asQQC14
> importQtQuick.Controls2.1
> importde.herrdiel.classintouch.classintouch22.0
> importQtQuick.Window2.2
> importQtQuick.Layouts1.3
> importQtQuick.Dialogs1.2
> importQtQuick.Dialogs1.1asOLDDIALOGS
> The stacktrace:
> 1   WTF::OSAllocator::reserveUncommitted OSAllocatorWin.cpp           
> 48   0x2e904ec2
> 2   WTF::PageReservation::reserve PageReservation.h            107  
> 0x2e882a7e
> 3   QV4::MemorySegment::MemorySegment qv4mm.cpp                    
> 123  0x2e882a7e
> 4   QV4::ChunkAllocator::allocate qv4mm.cpp                    257  
> 0x2e882a7e
> 5   QV4::BlockAllocator::allocate qv4mm.cpp                    695  
> 0x2e882e2d
> 6   QV4::MemoryManager::allocData qv4mm.cpp                    920  
> 0x2e8862d6
> 7   QV4::MemoryManager::allocManaged<QV4::CallContext> 
> qv4mm_p.h                    223  0x2e916f93
> 8   QV4::ExecutionContext::newCallContext qv4context.cpp               
> 69   0x2e916f93
> 9   QV4::ExecutionContext::call qv4context.cpp               269  
> 0x2e91ac5b
> 10  QV4::ScriptFunction::call qv4functionobject.cpp        411  
> 0x2e94512c
> 11  QV4::Object::call qv4object_p.h                445  0x2e9a9bf7
> 12  QV4::Runtime::method_callProperty qv4runtime.cpp               
> 1104 0x2e9a9bf7
> 13  QV4::Moth::VME::run qv4vme_moth.cpp              600  0x2e99cb6b
> 14  QV4::Moth::VME::exec qv4vme_moth.cpp              976  0x2e99f630
> 15  QV4::ExecutionContext::call qv4context.cpp               274  
> 0x2e91af16
> 16  QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate qqmljavascriptexpression.cpp 
> 225  0x2ea2535e
> 17  QQmlNonbindingBinding::doUpdate qqmlbinding.cpp              207  
> 0x2eab6c70
> 18  QQmlBinding::update qqmlbinding.cpp              168  0x2ea2fc5f
> 19  QQmlBinding::expressionChanged qqmlbinding.cpp              484  
> 0x2ea2fe05
> 20  QQmlJavaScriptExpressionGuard_callback 
> qqmljavascriptexpression.cpp 490  0x2ea24e67
> Crashes with the CRASH(); function/macro here:
> void*OSAllocator::reserveUncommitted(size_tbytes,Usage,boolwritable,boolexecutable) 
> {
> void*result=VirtualAlloc(0,bytes,MEM_RESERVE,protection(writable,executable));
> if(!result)
> CRASH();
> returnresult;
> }
>   * Qt 5.10.0 MinGW / 32bit Debug
>   * Windows Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299, 64 bit
>   * Qt Creator 4.2.1,
>   * Three Monitors.
> -- 
> http://www.classintouch.de  - Tablet-Software für Lehrer
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