[Interest] Qt3D Framegraphs

Andy asmaloney at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 18:01:30 CEST 2018

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 10:30 AM Paul Lemire <paul.lemire at kdab.com> wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> Some ideas below :)

Thanks a lot Paul - answers inline.

> On 08/31/2018 02:03 PM, Andy wrote:
> The contours/silhouetting proved a bit of a leap right now so I backed off
> to look at the offscreen side of it.
> I removed the depth pass and am just trying to get a simple frame graph
> working for on-and-off screen capture.
> I have the following frame graph (in YAML, but it should be clear):
> RenderSurfaceSelector:
>   Viewport:
>     ClearBuffers:
>       buffers: ColorDepthBuffer
>       clearColor: "#80faebd7"
>       NoDraw: {}
>     CameraSelector:
>       objectName: cameraSelector
>       FrustumCulling: {}
> Is that FrustumCulling node the parent of the RenderPassFilter or is it a
> sibling? If it's not the parent of the RenderPassFilter, I looks like it
> would be part of a Branch Viewport -> CameraSelector -> FrustumCulling
> which would be of no use here

Yes, I had it as a sibling of the RenderPassFilter. I didn't know where it
went, because QForwardRenderer has it on the QClearBuffers.

>       RenderPassFilter:
>         matchAny:
>         - FilterKey:
>             name: renderingStyle
>             value: forward
>       RenderCapture:
>         objectName: onScreenCapture
> Is the render capture a child of RenderPassFilter or a sibling here? You
> might be getting lucky (or unlucky depends how you see it) because if a
> branch has no RenderPassFilter, by default we select every RenderPasses
> from every Material. So visually it might be working but it's probably not
> what you had in mind.

I have it as a sibling. I'll choose... "unlucky" because I thought I
understood why it was working :-)

> What I'm seeing would result in:
> Viewport -> ClearBuffers -> NoDraw {} -> clear screen
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> FrustumCulling {} -> draws to screen with
> FrustumCulling (executing all passes of each material)
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> RenderPassFilter {} -> draws to screen
> (executing only forward passes)
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> RenderCapture {} -> capture screen
> (executing all passes of each material)

Ah. How do I know which types of node result in drawing? I wouldn't have
expected  FrustumCulling to draw for example - from the docs I thought that
was kind of a "command node" like NoDraw.

> I suspect what you want is rather:
> Viewport -> ClearBuffers -> NoDraw {}
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> FrustumCulling {} -> RenderPassFilter {}
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> FrustumCulling {} -> RenderPassFilter {} ->
> RenderCapture {}

> I even think that this could work:
> Viewport -> ClearBuffers -> NoDraw {}
> Viewport -> CameraSelector -> FrustumCulling {} -> RenderPassFilter {} ->
> RenderCapture {} as RenderCapture shouldn't prevent from Rendering to
> screen as well
Even if I take it all the way back to what should be the simplest (I think)
- no FrustumCulling, no capture:

      buffers: ColorDepthBuffer
      clearColor: "#80faebd7"
      NoDraw: {}
      objectName: cameraSelector
        - FilterKey:
            name: renderingStyle
            value: forward


I'm getting a cleared screen, no model.

I'm using Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial on my entities, so the filter key
should match, right?

Based on what you outlined above, Qt3DExtras::QForwardRenderer doesn't make
sense to me. If QFrustumCulling is doing the drawing, then what's the
purpose of the filter keys on QForwardRenderer since they aren't part of
the QRenderSurfaceSelector branch?


>         target:
>           RenderTarget:
>             attachments:
>             - RenderTargetOutput:
>                 attachmentPoint: Color0
>                 texture:
>                   Texture2D:
>                     width: 512
>                     height: 512
>                     format: RGBAFormat
> You might want to set generateMipMaps to false on the texture

Right - I thought they were off by default, but I guess it's better to be

>           buffers: ColorDepthBuffer
>           clearColor: "#80faebd7"
>           NoDraw: {}
> Looking at it, it does look like it would correctly clear the texture to
> the indicated color.
> Have you tried displaying the render target texture by using a PlaneMesh
> and a DiffuseMapMaterial?

I have not. Let me figure out how to do that :-) Seems recursive.

If you feel adventurous you could try using apitrace to look at the GL
> traces and check what's in your texture color attachment
>         RenderPassFilter:
>           matchAny:
>           - FilterKey:
>               name: renderingStyle
>               value: forward
>         RenderCapture:
>           objectName: offScreenCapture
> Results of the render captures:
> Like the above I think RenderCapture should be a child of RenderPassFilter
> here
>    onScreenCapture: https://postimg.cc/image/antf2d43h/
>    offScreenCapture: https://postimg.cc/image/e7fcs5z3h/
> The onscreen capture is correct - yay a forward renderer!.
> 1) Why isn't the offscreen one clearing the background colour using
> ClearBuffers? (Isn't obvious in postimage, but the background is
> transparent.) I tried moving ClearBuffers all over the place, but can't get
> it to work.
> It looks like your FG is correct regarding the clearing of the
> RenderTarget, it would be nice to try to display the texture so that we can
> rule out some issue with the RenderCapture operating on a RenderTarget.

Ok - I'll work on figuring out how to look at it.

2) How do I fix the aspect ratio of the offscreen image (assuming I want
> the final image to be 512x512)? Do I need to give it its own camera and
> adjust its aspect ratio somehow?
> Yes the easiest would be another Camera which sets its own aspect ratio
> (you should be able to forward pretty much all the other properties from
> your main camera except the aspect ratio)

OK - so my FG will end up with a Viewport with two sibling CameraSelectors?

I'll take another step back and just try to get the onscreen set up
properly first :-)

Thanks again.

> Thanks for any guidance!
> ---
> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 11:24 AM Andy <asmaloney at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Paul:
>> Thank you very much for the detailed responses!
>> This has given me a lot more to work on/understand.
>> The ClearBuffers part was very useful for understanding what's actually
>> happening. This would be good info to drop into the QClearBuffers docs.
>> I guess I now have to dive into render passes, render states, and
>> materials now. :-)
>> I also have a better appreciation for why most examples are QML - writing
>> these in C++ is time consuming and error-prone. I've written a little
>> (partially working) experiment to specify them in YAML so I don't have to
>> pull in all the QML stuff just for defining my framegraph(s). I may
>> continue down that road.
>> Have there been any thoughts/discussions on providing a non-QML way to
>> declare these? Could be useful for tooling (Qt Creator plugin for defining
>> them visually?) as well.
>> Thanks again for taking the time to go through this.
>> ---
>> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
>> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:10 AM Paul Lemire <paul.lemire at kdab.com> wrote:
>>> On 08/21/2018 01:54 PM, Andy wrote:
>>> Thank you so much Paul!
>>> That gives me something to start working on/pick apart. I see now how
>>> onscreen vs. offscreen works and can concentrate on getting the onscreen
>>> working the way I want first since they are very similar.
>>> 1) "I assume you want to fill the depth buffer with a simple shader
>>> right?"
>>> I think so? Ultimately I want to experiment with a cel-shaded scene, but
>>> for now I'd be happy with adding some black contours on my entities using
>>> depth - slightly thicker lines closer to the camera, thinner farther away.
>>> Is this the right setup for that?
>>> Hmm that's not necessarily what I pictured. Usually a render pass where
>>> the depth buffer is filled is used as an optimization technique so that 1)
>>> You draw your scene with a very simple shader to fill the depth buffer 2)
>>> You draw you scene again using a more complex shader but you then take
>>> advantage of the fact that the GPU will only execute the fragment shader
>>> for fragment whose depth is equal to what is stored in the depth buffer.
>>> If you want to draw contours (which is usually referred as silhouetting)
>>> the technique is different. Meshes are composed of triangles which are
>>> specified in a given winding order (order in which the triangles vertices
>>> are specified, either clockwise or counterclockwise). That winding order
>>> can be used at draw time to distinguish between triangles which are facing
>>> the camera and triangles which are backfacing the camera. (Usually another
>>> optimization technique is to not draw backfacing triangles a.k.a backface
>>> culling).
>>> A possible silhouetting technique implementation can be to:
>>> 1) draw only the back faces of the mesh (slightly enlarged) and with
>>> depth writing into the depth buffer disabled.
>>> 2) draw the front faces of the mesh (with depth writing enabled)
>>> See http://sunandblackcat.com/tipFullView.php?l=eng&topicid=15 for a
>>> more detailed explaination, there are other implementation with geometry
>>> shaders as well (http://prideout.net/blog/?p=54)
>>> In practice, you would play with render states to control back face /
>>> front face culling, depth write ... e.g:
>>> RenderStateSet {
>>>             renderStates: [
>>>                 DepthTest { depthFunction: DepthTest.Equal } // Specify
>>> which depth function to use to decide which fragments to key
>>>                 NoDepthWrite {} // Disable writing into the depth buffer
>>>                 CullFace { mode: CullFace.Front } // Cull Front faces
>>> (usually you would do back face culling though)
>>>             ]
>>> }
>>> Note that cell shading might yet be another technique (with a different
>>> implementation than silhouetting). Usually it involves having steps of
>>> colors that vary based on light position in your fragment shader. It might
>>> even be simpler to implement than silhouetting actually.
>>> The above link actually implements a combination of both techniques.
>>> 2) "Have you tried the rendercapture ones?"
>>> Yes I have. That's how I got my render capture working (once those
>>> examples worked).
>>> One thing that wasn't clear to me before was where to attach the
>>> RenderCapture node. In the rendercapture example, it's created and then the
>>> forward renderer is re-parented, which is what I did with mine. Your
>>> outline makes more sense.
>>> I suppose it was made purely by convenience to avoid having to rewrite a
>>> full FrameGraph, but I do agree that makes understanding a lot harder.
>>> ClearBuffers (and NoDraw!) now make sense too. In QForwardRenderer they
>>> are on the camera selector which seems strange.
>>> That's a small optimization. If your FrameGraph results in a single
>>> branch (which QForwardRenderer probably does), you can combine the
>>> ClearBuffers and the CameraSelector as that translates to basically clear
>>> then draw.
>>> If your framegraph has more than a single branch:
>>> RenderSurfaceSelector {
>>>     Viewport {
>>>           CameraSelector {
>>>                 ClearBuffers { ...
>>>                     RenderPassFilter { ... } // Branch 1
>>>                     RenderPassFilter { ...} // Branch 2
>>>                 }
>>>          }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> What would happen in that case is:
>>> 1) clear buffers then draw branch 1
>>> 2) clear buffers then draw branch 2
>>> So in the end you would only see the drawings from Branch 2 because the
>>> back buffer was cleared.
>>> In that case you should instead have it like:
>>> RenderSurfaceSelector {
>>>     Viewport {
>>>           CameraSelector {
>>>                 ClearBuffers { ...
>>>                     RenderPassFilter { ... } // Branch 1
>>>                 }
>>>                RenderPassFilter { ...} // Branch 2
>>>          }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> or (which is a bit easier to understand but adds one branch to the
>>> FrameGraph)
>>> RenderSurfaceSelector {
>>>     Viewport {
>>>           CameraSelector {
>>>                 ClearBuffers { ...
>>>                     NoDraw {}
>>>                 } // Branch 1
>>>                 RenderPassFilter { ... } // Branch 2
>>>                 RenderPassFilter { ...} // Branch 3
>>>          }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> 3) If I want to use any of the "default materials" in extras - Phong,
>>> PhongAlpha, etc - then in (3) and (4.3) the filterkeys must be
>>> "renderingStyle"/"forward", correct? Or can I even use them anymore if I'm
>>> going this route?
>>> Correct. The RenderPassFilter is really there to allow you to select
>>> which RenderPass of your Material's Technique to use. So the default
>>> materials can only be used if your RenderPassFilters has filterKeys that
>>> match any of the filterKeys present on the Material's RenderPasses. Not
>>> that this can result in several RenderPasses to be selected (if your
>>> material defines several render passes per technique)
>>> So you could probably hijack the default materials and add FilterKeys or
>>> RenderPasses (at which point it's probably easier to roll your own
>>> Material).
>>> Another possible approach is to have 2 Entities referencing the same
>>> GeometryRenderer but each Entity having a different Material and a
>>> different Layer component. You could then use a LayerFilter in the FG to
>>> draw all Entities that have a given Layer first, then select all Entities
>>> that have the other layer to draw second. That might be a way to reuse the
>>> default Materials in some cases and not mess with RenderPasses and
>>> RenderPassesFilters. (I think we have a layerfilter manual test you could
>>> take a look at)
>>> Thinking back about a depth filling pass, your Material would likely
>>> have a Technique with 2 render passes, one with keys to use when we want to
>>> fill the depth buffer and one with keys to use to draw.
>>> 4) I will use the offscreen to generate snapshot images and video - I
>>> assume I can turn offscreen rendering on/off dynamically by simply
>>> enabling/disabling the RenderTargetSelector?
>>> I suppose yes (haven't tested) or you could add a NoDraw {} and toggle
>>> its enabled property to decide when to execute that part of the FG.
>>> Thanks again for your help. I finally feel like I'm in danger of
>>> understanding something here!
>>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 1:20 AM Paul Lemire <paul.lemire at kdab.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> Please see my reply below
>>>> On 08/15/2018 02:59 PM, Andy wrote:
>>>> I've been struggling with framegraphs for a very long time now and
>>>> still don't feel like I understand  their structure - what goes where or
>>>> what kind of nodes can be attached to what. I can throw a bunch of things
>>>> together, but when it doesn't work I have no idea how to track down what's
>>>> missing or what's in the wrong place.
>>>> Can anyone give an outline of what a framegraph would look like to
>>>> facilitate all of the following for a given scene:
>>>> 1. rendering in a window onscreen
>>>> 2. depth pass for shaders to use
>>>> I assume you want to fill the depth buffer with a simple shader right?
>>>> 3. render capture for taking "snapshots" of what the user is seeing
>>>> onscreen
>>>> 4. offscreen rendering of the current scene at a specified size (not
>>>> the UI window size)
>>>> 5. render capture of the offscreen scene to an image
>>>> I've not tested but the I would image what you want would look like the
>>>> frame Graph below:
>>>> RenderSurfaceSelector { // Select window to render to
>>>> Viewport {
>>>> // 1 Clear Color and Depth buffers
>>>> ClearBuffers {
>>>>     buffers: ClearBuffers.ColorDepthBuffer
>>>>     NoDraw {}
>>>> }
>>>> // Select Camera to Use to Render Scene
>>>> CameraSelector {
>>>>     camera: id_of_scene_camera
>>>> // 2 Fill Depth Buffer pass (for screen depth buffer)
>>>> RenderPassFilter {
>>>>     filterKeys: [ FilterKey { name: "pass"; value: "depth_fill_pass"]
>>>> // Requires a Material which defines such a RenderPass
>>>> }
>>>> // 3 Draw screen content and use depth compare == to benefit for z fill
>>>> passs
>>>> RenderPassFilter {
>>>>    filterKeys: [ FilterKey { name: "pass"; value: "color_pass"] //
>>>> Requires a Material which defines such a RenderPass
>>>>    RenderStateSet {
>>>>         renderStates: DepthTest { depthFunction: DepthTest.Equal }
>>>>         RenderCapture { // Use this to capture screen frame buffer
>>>>             id: onScreenCapture
>>>>         }
>>>>    }
>>>> }
>>>> // 4 Create FBO for offscreen rendering
>>>> RenderTargetSelector {
>>>>     target: RenderTarget {
>>>>           attachments: [
>>>>             RenderTargetOutput {
>>>>                 attachmentPoint: RenderTargetOutput.Color0
>>>>                 texture: Texture2D { width: width_of_offscreen_area;
>>>> height: height_of_offscreen_area; .... }
>>>>             },
>>>>            RenderTargetOutput {
>>>>                 attachmentPoint: RenderTargetOutput.Depth
>>>>                 texture: Texture2D { width: width_of_offscreen_area;
>>>> height: height_of_offscreen_area; .... }
>>>>             } ]
>>>>    } // RenderTarget
>>>>         // Note: ideally 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 and 1, 2, 3 could be factored
>>>> out as a reusable subtree (if using QML)
>>>>         // 4.1 Clear FBO
>>>>         ClearBuffers {
>>>>               buffers: ClearBuffers.ColorDepthBuffer
>>>>               NoDraw {}
>>>>        }
>>>>        // 4.2 Fill Depth Buffer pass (for offscreen depth buffer)
>>>>     RenderPassFilter {
>>>>         filterKeys: [ FilterKey { name: "pass"; value:
>>>> "depth_fill_pass"] // Requires a Material which defines such a RenderPass
>>>>     }
>>>>     // 4.3 Draw content into offscreen color buffer and use depth
>>>> compare == to benefit for z fill pass
>>>>     RenderPassFilter {
>>>>        filterKeys: [ FilterKey { name: "pass"; value: "color_pass"] //
>>>> Requires a Material which defines such a RenderPass
>>>>        RenderStateSet {
>>>>             renderStates: DepthTest { depthFunction: DepthTest.Equal }
>>>>             RenderCapture { // Use this to capture offscreen frame
>>>> buffer
>>>>                 id: offScreenCapture
>>>>             }
>>>>        }
>>>>     }
>>>> } // RenderTargetSelector
>>>> } // CamerSelector
>>>> } // Viewport
>>>> } // RenderSurfaceSelector
>>>> Using the forward renderer in Qt3DExtras, I can do (1) and (3), but
>>>> I've been supremely unsuccessful at implementing any of the rest despite
>>>> many many attempts - even working with the examples. (And the deferred
>>>> renderer examples - which might help? - don't work on macOS.)
>>>> Have you tried the rendercapture ones ? which are in tests/manual
>>>> I am using C++, not QML. I tried replacing my framegraph with a
>>>> QML-specified one but can't get that to work either (see previous post to
>>>> this list "[Qt3D] Mixing Quick3D and C++ nodes").
>>>> Can anyone please help? I'm stuck.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> ---
>>>> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
>>>> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Interest mailing listInterest at qt-project.orghttp://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
>>>> --
>>>> Paul Lemire | paul.lemire at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
>>>> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
>>>> Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.fr
>>>> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
>>> ---
>>> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
>>> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
>>> --
>>> Paul Lemire | paul.lemire at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
>>> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
>>> Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.fr
>>> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
> --
> Paul Lemire | paul.lemire at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
> Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.fr
> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
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