[Interest] Better Q_PROPERTY() ?

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu Dec 6 17:03:07 CET 2018

05.12.2018, 23:31, "Tomasz Siekierda" <sierdzio at gmail.com>:
> On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 at 18:23, Sérgio Martins via Interest
> <interest at lists.qt-project.org> wrote:
>>  On 2018-12-05 16:41, Jason H wrote:
>>  > Epanding to:
>>  > private:
>>  > T _N;
>>  > public:
>>  > T N() { return _N; }
>>  > void setN(T N) { if (_N != N) { M = N; emit NChanged(N); } }
>>  > signal:
>>  > void NChanged(T N);
>>  >
>>  > I know this might sound trivial but if I'm making 5 classes each with
>>  > 10 properties, that's 1500 lines of boilerplate code that I'm writing
>>  > (with code style applied).
>>  >
>>  > Is there any way to get closer to my ideal?
>>  The problem with auto-generated setters is that sometimes you'll want to
>>  modify them to do additional stuff.
> Actually, I think this is not a problem at all if we keep current
> if you have some special case, you'd use Q_PROPERTY and manually implement
> getters and setters. If you have a standard case (like most of the
> time) you'd use
> the new declaration (like Q_PROPERTY_AUTO or whatever).
> You could say it's a bit similar to new and old connect() syntax. We
> don't need to
> choose one - we can have both.

I'm strongly opposed to autogeneration of getters and setters, because this is
far from being "standard case", except the most trivial situations, however it
would be great if it was possible to avoid duplication of property name inside
Q_PROPERTY for getter, setter and signal, and instead use naming convention
(property, setProperty, propertyChanged)

>>  If you're using QtCreator then Q_PROPERTY will be auto-completed and you
>>  just need to write the property name.
>>  Then, right click -> refactor -> "Generate missing Q_PROPERTY members".
>>  (which generates the member bodies in the header file unfortunately,
>>  https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-14622).
>>  Maybe we need a "Qt language server", so all other editors would benefit
>>  from such refactorings.
>>  Regards,
>>  --
>>  Sérgio Martins | sergio.martins at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
>>  Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
>>  Tel: Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
>>  KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
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