[Interest] QML Camera: resulting image is rotated
ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Mon Dec 10 09:36:57 CET 2018
Am 10.12.18 um 02:08 schrieb Alexander Ivash:
> Thanks!
> But frankly speaking this is not the answer I hoped to get :).
> Have you tried to extract rotation from exif / metadata? This is what
> I'm going to do if don't find better way.
have not tried this. please let me know if you'll find a way
> In my case VideoOutput always shows preview in correct orientation,
have you tested on iOS and FrontFace Camera ? in my use-cases I needed
rotation of 180 for preview (VideoOutput)
> so looks like Qt /knows/ how to rotate preview frames properly (why
> doesn't it use this knowledge to rotate saved image or why doesn't it
> expose it - this is another question). But if Qt knows - there should
> be some source of information where it gets such a knowledge.
haven't found any info about
> Regards, Alexander
> On Dec 9 2018, at 8:17 pm, ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org> wrote:
> Am 09.12.18 um 16:57 schrieb Alexander Ivash:
> Is it possible to understand the angle to un-rotate? I've
> tried to un-rotate based on orientation from VideoOtput but it
> doesn't work uniformly on all the devices.
> Regards, Alexander
> Open Tracking
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> Alexander,
> from my experiences it's not so easy.
> it depends from device and how the camera module is physically mounted
> so I'm doing it for my customers hardcoded while waiting that QML
> will handle this
> here's some code from customer app
> it's on my TODO to extract the code and create example app and
> blog and create all the specific issues - but expect 2019
> To get some ideas:
> // V I D E O O U T P U T
> VideoOutput {
> source: camera
> anchors.fill: parent
> focus : visible
> autoOrientation: true
> rotation: isIos && isFrontFace ? 180:0
> } // Video Output
> // P R E V I E W I M A G E
> Image {
> id: photoPreview
> fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
> anchors.fill: parent
> property bool isPortraitAtCaptureTime: false
> // i O S BUG
> // on iOS we don't use autoTransform - otherwise orientation
> would be wrong
> // instead we're calculating rotation of Image
> // we also must calculate rotation 180 for VideoOutput if iOS
> and FrontFace
> // see also
> // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50056
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544403647.local-a741a368-81fb-v1.5.3-420ce003@getmailspring.com/2?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fbugreports.qt.io%2Fbrowse%2FQTBUG-50056&recipient=ZWtrZUBla2tlcy1jb3JuZXIub3Jn>
> // test also front camera bugs
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37955
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544403647.local-a741a368-81fb-v1.5.3-420ce003@getmailspring.com/3?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fbugreports.qt.io%2Fbrowse%2FQTBUG-37955&recipient=ZWtrZUBla2tlcy1jb3JuZXIub3Jn>
> and https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-67985
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544403647.local-a741a368-81fb-v1.5.3-420ce003@getmailspring.com/4?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fbugreports.qt.io%2Fbrowse%2FQTBUG-67985&recipient=ZWtrZUBla2tlcy1jb3JuZXIub3Jn>
> autoTransform: isIos? false : true
> rotation: 0
> } // photoPreview
> // iOS rotation calculated in cpp:
> int PhotoUtil::cameraScreenRotation(const bool isBackFace, const
> int cameraOrientation)
> {
> const int screenAngle =
> mScreen->angleBetween(mScreen->nativeOrientation(),
> mScreen->orientation());
> int rotation;
> if (isBackFace) {
> rotation = (360 - cameraOrientation + screenAngle) % 360;
> } else {
> rotation = (cameraOrientation - screenAngle) % 360;
> }
> return rotation;
> }
> if(isIos) {
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, photoPreview.rotation)
> } else {
> // X C O V E R
> if(isSamsungXCover) {
> if(photoPreview.isPortraitAtCaptureTime) {
> if(isBackFace) {
> // PORTRAIT BACK: rotate 90°
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, 90)
> } else {
> // PORTRAIT FRONT: rotate -90°
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, -90)
> }
> } else {
> // LANDSCAPE BACK or FRONT: rotate 180°
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, 180)
> }
> }
> // P I X E L C
> else if(isPixelC) {
> if(photoPreview.isPortraitAtCaptureTime) {
> if(isBackFace) {
> // PORTRAIT BACK: rotate 90°
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, 90)
> } else {
> // PORTRAIT FRONT: rotate -90°
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, -90)
> }
> } else {
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, 0)
> }
> }
> else {
> photoUtil.rotateScaleSaveCapturedImage(camera.imageCapture.capturedImagePath,
> requestId, theEntity, 0)
> }
> }
> have tried with some devices and also created a Settings Page
> where customer can enter rotation needed for FrontFace or BackFace
> camera for a specific model, so I can add this
> ekke
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