[Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Tue Dec 18 23:09:33 CET 2018

I don't know anything about Qt3D, but in 3D parlance, they are called "sprites"


> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 6:37 AM
> From: "Volker Enderlein" <volker.enderlein at ifm-chemnitz.de>
> To: interest at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Interest] Qt3D How to draw 2D-Text always facing the Camera
> Hi all,
> when building a rather complex Qt3D-Scene I needed some 2D-Text that has 
> a 3D position, is always facing the camera, and fixed in size, 
> independent of the camera settings.
> While looking over the components provided by Qt3D I stumbled across 
> Text2DEntity and thought about how it can be tweaked ot fulfill my 
> requirements.
> As all my requirements can be done inside a shader I thought about 
> whether the QText2DMaterial that is used inside the class can be 
> replaced by a custom material. But unfortunately the material is not 
> accessible from outside.
> Text2DEntity can be embedded in another class that applies the camera 
> information to it, but is there an easier solution to this problem?
> Cheers Volker
> -- 
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