[Interest] QML vs Electron

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Thu Feb 15 02:45:41 CET 2018

I'm starting to see more and more software being written in, or being ported 
to, Electron[1] (e.g., Skype's latest v8 update now uses Electron).  I know 
QML is supposed to be Qt's solution to cross-device development, so I'm 
wondering if anybody here has had opportunity to actually use both, and what 
insights they might have in terms of comparing QML's declarative design to 
Electron's HTML5 approach.

Full disclosure: I'm a hard-core Qt C++ developer, and I've made no secret of 
the fact that I'm not crazy about QML.  However, it's getting harder and 
harder to avoid having to be cross-device in my development, and while I know 
Qt Widgets can run on mobile devices, but it seems like a heavy weight and 
somewhat inelegant approach.  Something more designed for the task might be my 
only/better option.

On a related note, has anybody done a QML (e)book yet that is focused on its 
uses in cross-device development?  The last/only one I saw seemed to focus 
only using QML to create interfaces from scratch, and that just turned me off, 
coming from the widget-rich environment of Qt desktop.

[1] https://electronjs.org/

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