[Interest] QML vs Electron

Jean-Michaël Celerier jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 07:36:40 CET 2018

> They don't really compare. Electron forces you to write the entire
application in JS. With QML you only have to write the UI in it. The rest
stays C++.

As much as I like C++, the company I work at has been doing pure QML apps
and they certainly have been developed faster that the equivalent in C++
would have, with no particular performance problems (but so much bugs
though... landmines and unimplemented features (looking at you QtMultimedia
and fonts!) under every step).

Jean-Michaël Celerier

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:39 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <realnc at gmail.com> wrote:

> They don't really compare. Electron forces you to write the entire
> application in JS. With QML you only have to write the UI in it. The rest
> stays C++.
> For desktops, you should be using Widgets anyway though. QML just doesn't
> integrate well. It's made for phones, not desktops. It seems like it was
> developed in a period of time where everybody was out of their freaking
> mind about desktops either dying or all of them becoming glorified tablets.
> But we all saw how well Windows 8.0 was received...
> Desktops aren't going anywhere anytime soon. And widgets are the *perfect*
> framework for them. QML is nice for mobile.
> On 15/02/18 03:45, Bob Hood wrote:
>> I'm starting to see more and more software being written in, or being
>> ported to, Electron[1] (e.g., Skype's latest v8 update now uses Electron).
>> I know QML is supposed to be Qt's solution to cross-device development, so
>> I'm wondering if anybody here has had opportunity to actually use both, and
>> what insights they might have in terms of comparing QML's declarative
>> design to Electron's HTML5 approach.
>> Full disclosure: I'm a hard-core Qt C++ developer, and I've made no
>> secret of the fact that I'm not crazy about QML.  However, it's getting
>> harder and harder to avoid having to be cross-device in my development, and
>> while I know Qt Widgets can run on mobile devices, but it seems like a
>> heavy weight and somewhat inelegant approach.  Something more designed for
>> the task might be my only/better option.
>> On a related note, has anybody done a QML (e)book yet that is focused on
>> its uses in cross-device development?  The last/only one I saw seemed to
>> focus only using QML to create interfaces from scratch, and that just
>> turned me off, coming from the widget-rich environment of Qt desktop.
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