[Interest] How to make the QML gui be never stopped on Android

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 15:25:38 CET 2018

Hi all,

I use QML and Qt 5.9.3 on my Android application.

I achieved some tricks that my application continued to
work when the smartphone goes to sleep or when the user
presses the 'power' button, i.e. seems, that an
application running in background mode.

I do not use an Android service here (because I dont
know how to do it, also I'm not sure that this will help).

So, when the application goes to background mode,
I see that it continues to work, because I see that
my UDP "keep-alive" messages are sends and receives.

But, A MAIN problem is that a QML GUI is stopped then...
i.e. does not updates.

I need to do GUI grabbing in a real time and send it
to UDP in any case.

Is it possible to make a GUI work forewer?


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