[Interest] KDescendantsProxyModel + QSortFilterProxyModel issue

Rodrigo Oliva Rodrigo.Oliva at king.com
Tue Jun 5 18:22:11 CEST 2018

Hello, I've been using kde's kitemmodels library to make a content explorer.

I have two panels, the left one which is a QTreeView that shows a folder tree structure and the right one which is a QListView that shows a list of files and folders from the current selected folder in the left panel, ignoring folder structure. The list view can then be filtered with a search box.

Example use case:

-          Folder1

-          Folder2 (selected)

o   Folder3

§  File1

-          Folder3

-          File1

The way I wanted to do this was using the same source model for both panels, using proxy models to show whatever I want in each of the panels. The kitemmodels lib is great for this.
The structure looks like this (mailing list friendly, indentation marks model ancestry):

-          Source Model (modeled as a tree).

o   Left QSortFilterProxyModel

o   KSelectionProxyModel

§  KDescendantsProxyModel - set to SubTreesWithoutRoots

·         Right QSortFilterProxyModel

Everything works great, except when I insert rows in the source model while there is an active filter in the right QSortFilterProxyModel, in the filterAcceptsRow. It looks like this

bool RightSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const {
                Q_ASSERT(!source_parent.isValid()); // we are filtering a list

                QModelIndex sourceIndex = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0);
                if (!sourceIndex.isValid()) {
                               return false;

                QString key = sourceModel()->data(sourceIndex).toString();

return filterRegExp().isEmpty() ? true : key.contains(filterRegExp());

When sourceModel()->data(sourceIndex) is called, I get an assert in the RightSortFilterProxyModel source model, the KDescendantsProxyModel: "Didn't find target row.", in its mapToSource function. When run in release, the list gets filled with a bunch of empty rows.
The source index is not invalid and sourceModel()->rowCount() returns greater than 0.
Am I doing something wrong in this filterAcceptsRow? The strange thing is that this works perfectly without the filter.

Excuse me if this not the right mailing list for this, I found some questions related to this in qt-interest-old.


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