[Interest] iOS: HowTo get Photos from assets-library sorted by lastModified ?

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Sat Jun 30 08:51:31 CEST 2018

it's easy to get the QDir("assets-library://") containing all the Photos:

QDir theDir = QDir("assets-library://");
QFileInfoList entryList = theDir.entryInfoList();
for (int i = 0; i < entryList.size(); ++i) {
    QFileInfo fileInfo = entryList.at(i);
    // fileInfo.filePath() is something like this:

So getting access to the Photos and displaying them as Image is no problem

unfortunately the files are not sorted and because
`fileInfo.lastModified()` and `fileInfo.created()` are empty I cannot
sort them.

I know that there's a way to use the native iOS ImagePicker from Qt:

import Qt.labs.platform 1.0
// hint: also tried FileDialog from QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
// but J-P told me QtQuick.Dialogs FileDialog is a 'Monster' - I should
use from labs.platform
FileDialog {
    fileMode: FileDialog.OpenFiles
    property var standardPicturesLocations:
    folder: standardPicturesLocations[standardPicturesLocations.length - 1]

The native Picker displays Phortos sorted by Date, but only allows to
pick single files.


I need multi-selection of files, so I created a GridView to preview
thumbnails and to select one or more Photos. This works fine but users
are complaining that the Photos are not sorted.

Seems I need some iOS native code to get a sorted Array of Pathes to
Photos from assets-library.
Looked at StackOverFlow and found:

don't know if this would work with assets (Photos)

seems this does what I want, but how to implement that in a way to get
an array of pathes for the Photos

With my less or zero knowledge of native iOS / Obj-C development I don't
understand HowTo get this working for Qt.

Anyone has solved this or any ideas HowTo get the list of Photos from
iOS sorted ?

(will provide the solution together with my nearly ready-to-go QML
Camera App for Android / iOS)



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