[Interest] qdoc.exe not build in Windows build from source QT 5.11

Marcel Stegehuis MStegehuis at medis.nl
Tue May 29 11:33:43 CEST 2018

I try to build QT 5.11 x64 shared.

When I call 'nmake qmake_all' and 'nmake docs' after a successful build and install I run into an error stating that qdoc.exe does not exists. See part of the log below.

In the  .\qttools\src\src.pro I see that qdoc is only build in case of config_clang.

I thought clang was added by default so I should not have to install that.

Has anyone an idea where I go wrong?
I added the configure output if needed.

cd corelib\ && ( if not exist Makefile F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\bin\qmake.exe -o Makefile F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\src\corelib\corelib.pro ) && "C:\Program Files\Jom\jom.exe" -f Makefile prepare_docs
"C:\Program Files\Jom\jom.exe" -f Makefile.Debug prepare_docs
call F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\src\corelib\qtattributionsscanner_wrapper.bat F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase --filter QDocModule=qtcore -o F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/src/corelib/codeattributions.qdoc
cd qmake\ && ( if not exist Makefile.qmake-aux F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\bin\qmake.exe -o Makefile.qmake-aux F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\qmake\qmake-aux.pro ) && "C:\Program Files\Jom\jom.exe" -f Makefile.qmake-aux prepare_docs
'F:\QT\5.11.0_x64_shared_install\bin\qdoc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
"C:\Program Files\Jom\jom.exe" -f Makefile.qmake-aux.Debug prepare_docs
call F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\qmake\qtattributionsscanner_wrapper.bat F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase --filter QDocModule=qmake -o F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/qmake/codeattributions.qdoc
call F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\qmake\qdoc_wrapper.bat -outputdir F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/doc/qmake -installdir F:/QT/5.11.0_x64_shared_install/doc F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/qmake/doc/qmake.qdocconf -prepare -indexdir F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/doc -no-link-errors -I. -I..\mkspecs\win32-msvc
jom: F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\qmake\Makefile.qmake-aux.Debug [prepare_docs] Error 9009
jom: F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\qmake\Makefile.qmake-aux [debug-prepare_docs] Error 2
call F:\Qt\5.11.0_x64_shared\qtbase\src\corelib\qdoc_wrapper.bat -outputdir F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/doc/qtcore -installdir F:/QT/5.11.0_x64_shared_install/doc F:/Qt/5.11.0_x64_shared/qtbase/src/corelib/doc/qtcore.qdocconf -prepare -no-link-errors -I. -I..\3rdparty\zlib\src -Iglobal -I..\3rdparty\harfbuzz\src -I..\3rdparty\md5 -I..\3rdparty\md4 -I..\3rdparty\sha3 -I..\3rdparty\double-conversion\include -I..\3rdparty\double-conversion\include\double-conversion -I..\..\include -I..\..\include\QtCore -I..\..\include\QtCore\5.11.0 -I..\..\include\QtCore\5.11.0\QtCore -Itmp -I.moc\debug -I.tracegen\debug -I..\3rdparty\pcre2\src -I..\..\mkspecs\win32-msvc
'F:\QT\5.11.0_x64_shared_install\bin\qdoc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.



Marcel Stegehuis, ing.
Application Architect

Medis medical imaging systems bv
Schuttersveld 9, 2316 XG, Leiden, The Netherlands
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