[Interest] QML objects and QMetaMethod
Jean-Michaël Celerier
jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 23:18:45 CEST 2018
It also works if I remove Q_OBJECT from my C++ type:
namespace lib {
class MyObject : public QObject { };
qmlRegisterType<lib::MyObject>("MyLib", 1, 0, "MyObject");
works as expected, but if I add Q_OBJECT in
class MyObject : public QObject { };
then it does not work anymore
Jean-Michaël Celerier
On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 11:07 PM Jean-Michaël Celerier <
jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com> wrote:
> > well, the problem is that createTree() does not registered in your
> QObject-derived class.
> but why does it work in the following case then ?
> QtObject {
> function createTree() { }
> }
> -------
> Jean-Michaël Celerier
> http://www.jcelerier.name
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 1:00 PM Vlad Stelmahovsky <
> vladstelmahovsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> well, the problem is that createTree() does not registered in your
>> QObject-derived class. its a part of instantiated object ant metasystem
>> have no clue about it
>> I think you need to register it 1st in header somehow
>> On 10/7/18 12:41 PM, Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:
>> Yes, that's what I'm doing, but I 'm typing the code in the mail - sorry
>> for the typo.
>> Here's something even more fundamental : the following prints all the
>> functions if my type is a QtObject descendant, but it does not if my type
>> is a MyLib.MyObject descendant
>> for(int i = 0; i < obj->metaObject()->methodCount(); i++) {
>> qDebug() << obj->metaObject()->method(i).name();
>> }
>> -------
>> Jean-Michaël Celerier
>> http://www.jcelerier.name
>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 12:39 PM Vlad Stelmahovsky <
>> vladstelmahovsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> QMetaMethod::invokeMethod(obj, "createTree");
>>> On 10/7/18 12:34 PM, Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have the following code :
>>> Foo.qml :
>>> MyLib.MyObject {
>>> function createTree() { /* stuff */ }
>>> property string host: "ws://whatever.com"
>>> }
>>> cpp :
>>> namespace lib {
>>> class MyObject : public QObject { Q_OBJECT };
>>> }
>>> ...
>>> QQmlComponent c(engine);
>>> c.setData("content of Foo.qml", QUrl());
>>> auto obj = c.createObject();
>>> QString host = QQmlProperty(obj, "host").read();
>>> QMetaMethod::invokeMethod("createTree");
>>> Reading the "host" property works fine so the QML object is correctly
>>> instantiated. But the invokeMethod call gives me a warning :
>>> QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method
>>> 'lib::MyObject::createTree()'
>>> The weird thing being: it works fine if I replace MyLib.MyObject with
>>> QtObject on the QML side.
>>> Of course I want to use some additional methods present in MyObject so
>>> this is not a solution.
>>> Anyone knows what is going on here ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jean-Michaël Celerier
>>> -------
>>> Jean-Michaël Celerier
>>> http://www.jcelerier.name
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