[Interest] Native windows with QtCore backend

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Sun Oct 28 20:23:02 CET 2018

On Sunday, 28 October 2018 08:58:57 PDT Jeffrey Brendecke wrote:
> Is it possible to have a 100% native UI (Cocoa or UIKit) with backend QtCore
> components (nonGUI) on a functioning event loop for signals and slots on
> macOS and iOS?

Sure. But you need to integrate the event loops, so one of these three things:

1) use the Core Foundation event dispatcher (and make sure it works)

2) tell your native UI event dispatcher to use QSocketNotifier and QTimer

3) write an event dispatcher deriving from QAbstractEventDispatcher that 
integrates QSocketNotifier and QTimer with your native UI's dispatcher

The event dispatcher you really want is called QCocoaEventDispatcher, but it's 
in the Cocoa QPA plugin, which requires QtGui.

> For example, I would like use the Qt network components to interact with a
> network while using only native windows and native views for the
> presentation.

Option 4: only use Qt components outside the main thread.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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