[Interest] QML int not big enough

Stanislas RENAN qt-project at renan.org
Sun Sep 16 10:09:42 CEST 2018


Le 15/09/2018 à 22:30, Jason H a écrit :
> Item {
>      property int now: 0 // will be new Date().getTime() // milliseconds since epoch is 64 bit
>      property var now: new Date().getTime() // this gives me a parning of "use int or real to improve performance (M311)
> }
> How can I use the right type and not get the warning?
Why not use real as the warning says ?

Do not store the 64 bit value in an int as it overflows (getTime() 
returns around 1537084902522 right now).

Best regards,
Stanislas RENAN

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