[Interest] Qt with latest Android SDK

Ivan Donchevskii ivan.donchevskii at qt.io
Wed Sep 26 12:24:40 CEST 2018

> Use r10e unless you know why you don't.

You don't need to do that. r17 works quite fine with Qt Creator. But you may have issues with r18 since it has gcc removed.


From: Interest <interest-bounces+ivan.donchevskii=qt.io at qt-project.org> on behalf of Stanislas RENAN <qt-project at renan.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 12:22:30 PM
To: interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt with latest Android SDK

Le 26/09/2018 à 12:17, Igor Mironchik a écrit :


On 26.09.2018 13:12, Stanislas RENAN wrote:


Have you followed these steps ?


In particular, what is the version of your NDK ?

Not good.
Check the procedure again for missed steps.
Use r10e unless you know why you don't.



Stanislas RENAN

Le 26/09/2018 à 11:20, Igor Mironchik a écrit :


I'm on Linux, installed latest Android SDK and NDK, trying to build project for Android...

12:17:30: Running steps for project Pro...

12:17:30: Starting: "/home/igor/Qt/5.11.2/android_armv7/bin/qmake" /home/igor/Work/Projects/pro/Pro.pro -spec android-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=qml_debug

clang++: error: unknown argument: '-mthumb-interwork'

Project ERROR: failed to parse default search paths from compiler output

12:17:30: The process "/home/igor/Qt/5.11.2/android_armv7/bin/qmake" exited with code 3.

Error while building/deploying project Pro (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.11.2 for Android ARMv7))

When executing step "qmake"

12:17:30: Elapsed time: 00:00.

What is it? Why clang++? Thank you.

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