[Interest] Klocwork errors in Qt

Ramakanth Kesireddy rama.kesi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 03:53:14 CET 2019


We got below errors in Qt 5.13 using C++ QWidgets while running static code
analysis withKlocwork:

1)Address of a local variable is returned via return statement expression
'QStringBuilder<QStringBuilder<const char*,QString>,const char[2]>(a,
2)Address of a local variable is returned via return statement expression
'QStringBuilder<QStringBuilder<const char*,QString>,const char[2]>(a, &b).b'
3)Address of a local variable is returned via return statement expression
'QStringBuilder<const char[2],QString>(&a, b).a'.

pointing to the below source @

template <typename A, typename B>
QStringBuilder<typename QConcatenable<A>::type, typename
operator%(const A &a, const B &b)
   return QStringBuilder<typename QConcatenable<A>::type, typename
QConcatenable<B>::type>(a, b);

We are concatenating two QStrings using % which might lead to the above
For eg: eventString = eventString % eventState

Do you recommend to use QString(%1%2").arg( eventString ).arg( eventState )
instead to resolve above errors or ignore the Klocwork errors reported?

Another Klocwork error reported is

 inline Basic(Qt::Initialization) { }
        // ~Basic();
'this->value' is not initialized in this constructor.
List of initiations may be incomplete.

Let me know if it makes sense to further analyze or ignore the errors
reported in Qt?

Best Regards,
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