[Interest] reCAPTCHA does not appear QML WebEngineView

Michal Klocek michal.klocek at qt.io
Thu Feb 14 10:35:18 CET 2019


Please open the bug report at https://bugreports.qt.io/ and attach small
example code and page url, it will be easier to investigate the issue.



On 02/12/2019 04:39 PM, Miller, Douglas K.  CONT NAVAIR 2109, 1, N139 wrote:
> I'm trying to interact with an URL that implements reCAPTCHA as a check box.  On the same machine the Chrome browser makes this check box visible and usable, but in QML's WebEngineView is is not even visible.  I have the same proxy settings as the Chrome browser, so what else needs to be configure for this to work?
> Thanks for any help.
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