[Interest] QtQuickCompiler interfer with lupdate
ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Wed Jan 16 09:47:16 CET 2019
I'm using Qt 5.12.0 under macOS 10.13.6 for Android / iOS
QtQuickCompiler is only used in Release Builds and lupdate / QtLinguist
/ lrelease only in debug builds
all is working fine for me with this constellation
Am 15.01.19 um 23:04 schrieb Jérôme Godbout:
> Hi,
> Using Qt 5.12.0. This is under Linux.
> I have some internationalization in my project. I made my .pri to add
> the .qml files and manages the required languages and files. This is
> all working with the external tools / linguistic. If I have the
> following line to my .pro
> *CONFIG += qtquickcompiler*
> it stop working. lupdate doesn’t found anything. Is there something
> special to do when doing this or should I disable the line with
> lupdate_only or lrelease_only into my .pro file? Why using the
> qtquickcompiler disable the lupdate parsing. Launching the lupdate
> command from command line also reproduce the problem.
> commenting the compiler make it work again and the lupdate see
> everything again.
> It took me 3h to figure that out, by making an example project and
> injecting all the diff slowly to find this. If this is wanted maybe an
> error should be displayed. If it need something else is required,
> maybe print a warning.
> Jerome
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