[Interest] Qt.conf and desktop application

roland at logikalsolutions.com roland at logikalsolutions.com
Wed Jan 16 19:31:04 CET 2019

Quoting Mitch Curtis:

> Since sending that mail, someone has helpfully pointed out a  
> potential solution:
> https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/issues/280#issuecomment-454777296
> I haven't tried it out yet, but maybe it will help you?

Wasted 2 days on that.

If you need anything "current" from Qt, best to not even look at it.  
Officially they only support a _specific_ version of Qt you have to  
download from one site and you have to build using Ubuntu 14.04.

For very simple applications you can make some newer stuff work, but .  
. . it is almost impossible to bundle in libraries the tool missed. No  
method of forcing them in. Unless your application can exist within  
the "default" set of libraries it will require an Internet connection.

Much easier to build a .deb and put stuff where you need it.  
Especially if you have correctly set the RPATH in your executables.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions
(630) 205-1593


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