[Interest] Java: can't use native c++ functions immediately

Alexander Dyagilev alervdvcw at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 18:18:58 CEST 2019

Sorry, forgot to mention: it's Android.

For now i have to use this ugly workaround:

     protected void onResume()

         // timer based workaround due to the bug:
         // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-70114
         Timer timer = new Timer();
         timer.schedule(new TimerTask()
             public void run()
                 MyJavaNatives.onActivityPaused(0, false);
         }, 3000);

Instead of just this:

     protected void onResume()
         MyJavaNatives.onActivityPaused(0, false);

On 7/8/2019 7:16 PM, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
> Is it OK that this bug exists so long? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-76956

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