[Interest] Qml Android Camera

Jérôme Godbout godboutj at amotus.ca
Thu Jun 27 17:20:44 CEST 2019


I have an application crash when trying to perform a camera capture on my Nexus 5 tablet. I can see the live camera feed, the capture I get the preview url and the save path. Then the application crash with the getParameters.
F art     : art/runtime/java_vm_ext.cc:410] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI GetMethodID called with pending exception java.lang.RuntimeException: getParameters failed (empty parameters)

I also see this into my application start up:
I Qt JAVA : Can't find '/data/data/org.amotus.MyAppClient.NM/qt-reserved-files/lib/libQt5MultimediaQuick.so'
I Qt JAVA : Can't find '/data/data/org.amotus.MyAppClient.NM/qt-reserved-files/lib/libQt5QuickParticles.so'

Anybody know what is wrong? What is the error 2:
E Camera  : Error 2

I'm using Qt 5.13.0 for this. My Android SDK is 28 rev 6 and SDK build tools 28.0.3, NDK 19.2.5345600. if this might help.

une compagnie  [cid:image004.jpg at 01D52CDA.5BA21820]
Jérôme Godbout
Développeur Logiciel Sénior /
Senior Software Developer
p: +1 (418) 800-1073 ext.:109
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