[Interest] android deployment is painfully slow (Windows 10, Qt Creator 4.8.2)

Alexander Ivash elderorb at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 09:08:02 CET 2019

Maybe there is something wrong with my environment, not sure, but it
takes several minutes to even start debugging! In android studio it
happens much much faster...

Is there any tricks to speedup this process (besides dropping Windows
as development platform, because it is not that bad on linux)? If I'm
not mistaken in the past there were options allowing to upload qt
libraries once but I don't see anything like this anymore besides 'Use
Ministro service to install Qt' (which I checked - but it broke the

Is there any way to avoid re-packaging apk on debugging ? Currently
QtCreator seems to be doing something unnecessary every time I press
'debug' even if no changes happened between two debug sessions.

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