[Interest] heads up - ksplashqml crash

Roland Hughes roland at logikalsolutions.com
Mon Oct 7 20:27:07 CEST 2019

A lot of people don't have any money. They use a corporate or relative's 
cast-off. Still others, like the older computers I have on the workbench 
behind me, have been re-purposed to run BOINC. They won't be upgraded. 
If a drive dies and I have a spare laying around I'll put that in and 
re-load a distro, but by and large the machines won't be fixed. They'll 
search for the cure for cancer and other projects beneficial to humans 
as well as help look for ET, but unless I need to throw a lot of 
machines at something, that is how they will spend their remaining years.

On 10/7/19 10:06 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 07.10.2019, 18:00, "Roland Hughes" <roland at logikalsolutions.com>:
>> My hardware was new enough I could install 390. Others will most likely
>> not be as lucky.
> It may be a good reason to replace their 9 years old GPU to something up-to-date.
Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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