[Interest] TLS/SSL XML encryption security
Rolf Winter
rolf.winter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 15:45:21 CEST 2019
This is not really about Qt anymore and overall has little to no value
in itself. Could you move this discussion somewhere else please.
On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 2:46 PM Roland Hughes
<roland at logikalsolutions.com> wrote:
> On 10/17/19 4:48 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> > On 17/10/2019 09.56, Roland Hughes wrote:
> >> This presents the perfect challenge. Once "The Mother Road" it is now
> >> difficult to navigate having many turns, stops and 30 MPH stretches.
> >> Most importantly there are huge sections without cellular/wireless
> >> coverage. Some sections satellite coverage doesn't work. The vehicle
> >> will have to retain all of the knowledge it needs for the trip because
> >> updates will be sparse.
> > I think you overestimate the difficulty of doing this. My ten year old
> > car has maps of the entire US in onboard memory. IIRC it fits on a
> > single DVD. Yes, this is now 10 years out of date, and doesn't include
> > things like speed limits, but I doubt we're talking about an amount of
> > data that can't fit on a single SSD. The car knows where it is from a
> > combination of GPS, inertial guidance, and the assumption that it is on
> > a road. Combine this with the car *knowing* what it is trying to do and
> > being able to actually "see" the road and street signs, and you have a
> > system that should be able to navigate at least as well as a human under
> > most conditions. This isn't guessing, it's experience... based on
> > technology that was close to mainstream *ten years ago*.
> Not really no.
> https://www.foxnews.com/story/couple-stuck-in-oregon-snow-for-3-days-after-gps-leads-them-astray
> While I understand your position and experience mine has been
> significantly different. Just a few years ago I was heading out to
> Clive, IA. I dutifully updated my Garmin. Before leaving my yard I tried
> to set the destination. According to Garmin, Clive, IA (a suburb of Des
> Moines) did not exist. Could not find it by zipcode or name. Could not
> even find the hotel I was staying at. I had to drive to Des Moines and
> "wing it." I have a 16Gig SSD in there and Garmin is pretty good about
> letting you know when an update won't fit.
> When I got to Clive and found the hotel I saw the water tower for Clive
> which had to be at least 60 years old. The hotel seemed even older.
> Adding insult to injury the following morning when I was about to pull
> out of the parking lot Garmin actually showed me the street I was on.
> Driving out to Oregon over one Thanksgiving I got to a spot in the
> mountains where it seemed only the AM radio got signals. No cell
> service. Even the Satellite stuff didn't seem to work. I heard the
> Interstate was closed due to the snow and a "mega load" being stuck on a
> bridge and unable to climb the next icy rise. I found out the Interstate
> was now closed via the big orange gate across it as I came over a rise.
> Driving to Chicago the evening before meeting with clients I have
> numerous times gotten to enjoy Garmin (my model also receives the FM
> signals) trying to route me up a ramp which was subject to nightly
> rolling closures as workers stripe/resurface. Few things more enjoyable
> than encountering that late at night while having the nav system
> continually try to re-route you back to said closed ramp.
> >
> > BTW, I believe Google Navigation has already solved the "retain the data
> > you need for the whole trip" problem. Combine this with some form of
> > version control system so that the vehicle can frequently download
> > updates for its entire operational area, and I just don't see how
> > "spotty network coverage" is going to be an issue. (Maybe for someone
> > who *lives* in an area with no coverage. Well, such people may just not
> > be able to use autonomous vehicles. I doubt that is going to deter the
> > folks working on AV's.)
> Where this flies apart is the innocent sounding phrase "operational
> area." The once a year family road trip to visit some part of America
> (or insert country here if your culture has annual road trips) now
> defines a new operational area which will require an update right when
> all connective services have disappeared.
> >
> > Yes, situations will come up that it can't handle, at which point it
> > will have to get the human involved. Until we have something approaching
> > "real AI", that will be the case.
> Yeah . . . GM isn't going to give you a steering wheel.
> https://www.wired.com/story/gm-cruise-self-driving-car-launch-2019/
> While I applaud them and hope the laws change so anyone with one of
> these vehicles without a steering wheel can get falling down drunk in a
> bar, pour themselves into the front seat and slur "Home Jeeves" without
> getting a DUI, I also live in mortal fear of such a system built by the
> lowest cost labor GM can find. The billing rates I hear from the
> recruiters reaching out to me about Qt contracts to work on this stuff
> in Michigan at the Big 3 locations are _NOT_ bringing in seasoned pros.
> Oh. Poke around on the Web. There is a passable video from Microsoft
> automotive division (the division without any customers because Ford
> fired them over the shit job they did on Sync). It talks about the
> volume of sensor readings they are currently getting per second and
> stuffing into an on-board SQL server. That is just straight forward
> motion without navigation. They haven't even gotten to the life
> threatening "fun" of wind gusts. Message off-list and I can tell you
> about the "fun" of driving an 18-wheeler through the mountains during
> high summer winds having only 20,000 pounds in the box. So far none of
> the autonomous systems I've read about (not that I've read about all of
> them) are dealing with crosswinds. With a little bitty low slung car you
> don't have to worry about it. With an SUV, mini or tall van it's a
> serious concern. It was a real issue for the Buick Rendezvous I once owned.
> https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cstatic-images.com%2Fstock%2F900x600%2F240103.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
> All wheel drive was great but a tall, light vehicle like that made it a
> real challenge when driving in gusty wind even here in the flat Midwest.
> >
> > That said, I like your viability test :-).
> >
> I couldn't remember the highway number for the one which cuts through
> the mountains from Idaho to Oregon. There's supposed to be a little
> 2-lane the yocals use when the Interstate is closed.
> Sorry, Thunderbird wasn't set up for newsgroups. You will have to
> forward to gmane.comp.lib.qt.user
> --
> Roland Hughes, President
> Logikal Solutions
> (630)-205-1593
> http://www.theminimumyouneedtoknow.com
> http://www.infiniteexposure.net
> http://www.johnsmith-book.com
> http://www.logikalblog.com
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