[Interest] Getting source url of QML composite component from C++

Sebastian Hartte sebastian at hartte.de
Fri Apr 17 17:51:10 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I am working on a tool to generate C# bindings for QML components defined
in .qml files,
and have hit a snag: How do I determine the source URL of a QML component
that is
used as the type of a QML property.

import "./dirwithqmldir"

Item {
    // Comes from "dirwithqmldir/OtherQmlItem.qml"
    property OtherQmlItem myprop

When I inspect the QMetaObject that gets generated for an instance of this
the "myprop" property will have a UserType that is named
The registered Qt meta type has no meta object itself.

I am desperately trying to get at the source url of the underlying QML
but haven't found a working way.

I see that the QQMLEnginePrivate has the following field, which would have
what I need,
but it's even private in there:
QHash<int, QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit *> m_compositeTypes;

Are there any other ways of getting the source url given a meta type id
(and associated QQMLEngine, if needed)?

Best Regards
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