[Interest] Three-file modules vs. moc

Bernhard Lindner private at bernhard-lindner.de
Thu Aug 27 14:42:03 CEST 2020


> Can you make an example of your structure (what's exactly in each of the 
> three files)? It's not entirely clear.

Ok, I attached an example of a module containing some pseudo code. Please tell me if you
need more information.

> You might also use a custom extra compiler -- that still invokes moc, 
> but for each foo.h also tells moc to include foo.inl, bar.h -> bar.inl, 
> and so on...

Hm, I see. Has something like that been done before, is there code I could reuse?

Best Regards,
Bernhard Lindner
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#include "spinbox.hpp"

template <typename T>
AbstractSpinBox<T>::AbstractSpinBox(QWidget* pParent) noexcept :

template <typename T>
void AbstractSpinBox<T>::setMinimum(const T& pMinimum) noexcept

template <typename T>
void AbstractSpinBox<T>::setMaximum(const T& pMaximum) noexcept

template <typename T>
void AbstractSpinBox<T>::setValue(const T& pValue) noexcept

template <typename T>
inline T AbstractSpinBox<T>::minimum() const noexcept

template <typename T>
inline T AbstractSpinBox<T>::maximum() const noexcept

template <typename T>
inline T AbstractSpinBox<T>::value() const noexcept

#endif // SPINBOX_INL

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