[Interest] debugger strange problem

Alexander Dyagilev alervdvcw at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 13:19:16 CET 2020

I have set the breakpoint on another line in the same my utils.h file - 
works fine.

Insane bug :)

On 2/6/2020 3:13 PM, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
> My header file has the same name - utils.h :)
> On 2/6/2020 3:09 PM, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
>> LOL. It's Qt Creator bug.
>> I add debugger breakpoint in one of my header files, but actually it 
>> set it inside of some that Qt function.
>> If I double click breakpoint, it shows me:
>> ROFL. I'm done...
>> On 2/6/2020 2:44 PM, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Suddenly, the debugger of Qt Crator has started to break debugging 
>>> on every QString::toDouble call.
>>> A minute before it was worked fine and now it does not work.
>>> What happened?
>>> string values are the same as before.
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