[Interest] Set manipulation in Qt 6
Giuseppe D'Angelo
giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com
Sat Jun 20 12:34:11 CEST 2020
Il 20/06/20 08:44, Vadim Peretokin ha scritto:
> QMap<QString, QList<QPointF>> customLines;
> QMap<QString, QColor> customLinesColor;
> // ...
> #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0))
> auto customLineKeys = customLines.keys();
> QSet<QString> missingKeys{customLineKeys.begin(),
> customLineKeys.end()};
> if (!customLinesColor.isEmpty()) {
> auto customLinesColorKeys = customLinesColor.keys();
> QSet<QString>
> customLinesColorKeysSet{customLinesColorKeys.begin(),
> customLinesColorKeys.end()};
> missingKeys.subtract(customLinesColorKeysSet);
> }
> #else
> QSet<QString>
> missingKeys{customLines.keys().toSet().subtract(customLinesColor.keys().toSet())};
> #endif
With my hat of the guy going around and deprecating toSet() and friends:
the rationale for these deprecations is the terrible code that those
methods encourage, and the
Let's just look at this last line. This is, at a minimum:
> customLines.keys()
- 1 temporary allocation + #LINES temporary copies (builds a QList
copying all the keys from the map)
> .toSet()
- #LINES+1 allocations + #LINES copies (builds a QHash copying all the
values from the list)
> customLinesColor.keys().toSet()
- 1+1+#COLOR temporary allocations, 2*#COLOR temporary copies (same, but
this is completely temporary)
- 4 + #LINES + #COLOR allocations
- 2 * #LINES + 2 * #COLOR copies
- 3 + #LINES + 2 * #COLOR destructions at a minimum
- 3 + #COLOR deallocations at a minimum
(Luckily the keys are QStrings, and not something where the copy and
destruction would be even more expensive, or QList would cause further
There are much better alternatives you can aim for with minimal effort.
Assuming that at the end you do want exactly a QSet, you can port it in
the slightly more verbose but still straightforward:
> QSet<QString> customLinesKeys(customLines.keyBegin(), customLines.keyEnd());
> {
> QSet<QString> customLinesColorKeys(customLinesColor.keyBegin(), customLinesColor.keyEnd());
> customLinesKeys.subtract(customLinesColorKeys);
> }
Which saves buildings the temporary QLists. Totals now:
- 2 + #LINES + #COLOR allocations
- #LINES + #COLOR copies
- 1 + #COLOR destructions at a minimum
- 1 + #COLOR deallocations at a minimum
I think it's possible to do even better -- a QMap, by definition, keeps
its keys in order. Which means now you can use e.g. std::set_difference.
Unfortunately we can't use a QSet as an output -- let's sketch with a
std::unordered_set for the moment:
> std::unordered_set<QString> result;
> std::set_difference(customLines.keyBegin(), customLines.keyEnd(),
> customLinesColor.keyBegin(), customLinesColor.keyEnd(),
> std::inserter(result, result.end()));
Cost of this one:
- 1 + (#LINES / #COLOR) allocations
- (#LINES / #COLOR) copies
AKA optimal.
With a QSet, the cost and the code would be identical. The problem is
that we can't write _that_ code as QSet is not usable with std::inserter
(QSet lacks a suitable insert() method). Then again, do you _need_ a
QSet or would a QList output suffice?
(Which brings me to my second crusade, try stop encouraging the usage of
Qt containers, as their API is full of holes and doesn't play nice with
algorithms or ranges. But it's enough for this mail.)
Giuseppe D'Angelo | giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.com
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
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