[Interest] Wrong position QStyleOptionProgressBar on macOS

Max Paperno max-l at wdg.us
Fri Mar 20 21:31:09 CET 2020

Hi Roman,

Do you have an example?  And when you say "on macOS" does that mean the 
behavior is different on Win/Linux, or that you haven't tried it elsewhere?

The delegate can't assume that drawing should be done at pos(0, 0), it 
must start at the coordinates given in QStyleOptionViewItem.rect.topLeft().


On 3/20/2020 3:02 PM, Roman Wüger wrote:
> Hello,
> I use QStyleOptionProgressBar on macOS Catalina with Qt 5.14.1 and tried versions back to 5.11.3.
> In a Table the progressbar is always displayed in row 0 and column 0 which is wrong even the current row is 6 or something like that and column is 1 or similar.
> Any hints on this issue?
> Best Regards
> Roman

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