[Interest] Using Q_NAMESPACE enum as a Q_PROPERTY type

Doogster thedoogster at gmail.com
Sat May 2 22:48:38 CEST 2020

I'm having trouble using an enum with Q_NAMESPACE, as a Q_PROPERTY type.

I'm trying to follow this:

I have the following enum:

namespace ConnectionState {


  enum class State : quint8 {Disconnected, Connecting, Connected};



On another class I have:

Q_PROPERTY(ConnectionState::State connectionState READ connectionState
WRITE setConnectionState NOTIFY connectionStateChanged);

Trying to compile that gives me:

/usr/bin/ld: moc_controller.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x30): undefined reference
to `ConnectionState::staticMetaObject'

The getter, setter and signal are all defined. If I take out the
Q_PROPERTY declaration, then my code compiles, but then I don't have
the property to expose to QML.

What am I missing?

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