[Interest] QWebSocket limit connection

Mårten Nordheim marten.nordheim at qt.io
Mon May 11 11:16:56 CEST 2020


If you are using a QWebSocketServer you can call close() when a new connection has been established and call listen() again when the currently-connected socket disconnects.

Attached is a toy example of doing so.


PS: Apologies for double mail to Alexander, pressed Reply instead of Reply all...

From: Interest <interest-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of "Alexander Carôt" <alexander_carot at gmx.net>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 10:13
To: qt qt
Subject: [Interest] QWebSocket limit connection

Hello all,

I am using a QWebSocket in order to communicate between a browser and an application which works fine.

In my specific use case I want to prevent more than one browser to connect to the application.

Is there a way to decline further connections after one has been established ?

Thanks in advance,


Email : Alexander at Carot.de
Tel.: +49 (0)177 5719797

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