[Interest] ** Caution Message may be spoofed ** Re: Sharing QItemSelectionModel with multiple views/proxy models

Murphy, Sean smurphy at walbro.com
Mon Sep 28 16:32:51 CEST 2020

> > I'm trying to get selections on one view to be replicated to the
> > other[...]> So how do I connect things up so that selections on view1
> > are propagate through the proxy model, and then the respective indices
> > are selected in view2, and vice versa?
> Use QAbstractProxyModel::mapToSource() and mapFromSource(), or
> mapSelectionToSource() and mapSelectionFromSource().
> Eg:
> QObject::connect(
>     sourceSelectionModel,
>     &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
>     proxySelectionModel,
>     [&](const QItemSelection &set) {
>         QItemSelection newSet = proxyModel->mapSelectionFromSource(set);
>         proxySelectionModel->select(newSet,
>             QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
>     });
> Repeat for each of the signals for QItemSelectionModel changes that should be
> mirrored, for each selection model. You can save some overhead by tracking
> which view originated the change, but QItemSelectionModel will detect empty
> change sets.

Thanks for the response. I ended up doing roughly the same thing.

I should have been more clear in my original post. I had found what looked like 
the relevant signals/functions to do the mapping as you described above before I 
posted. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something in the 
model/selection model/proxy model system that AUTOMATICALLY made these 
connections for you. It seemed to me like this would be a fairly common use case - 
having multiple views that have differing levels of proxies, all feeding off from a 
common underlying data model, and wanting selections to be shared among views, 
once they are filtered through the proxies.


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