[Interest] the path forward (or is it "how the things, look"?)

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Mon Apr 12 17:47:45 CEST 2021

On Mon, 12 Apr 2021, Roland Hughes wrote:

> Again, ripping XCB out won't be a free effort even if the new library is 
> free as in beer, but the current situation with XCB is kind of at the 
> heart of everything when one steps back for a few days.

And this very well MUST be. I’m using Qt applications (both with and
without KDE) over remote connections (all three of X11, X11VNC and
xrdp), so requiring local GPU rendering isn’t going to fly at all.
So, the X11 protocol, either with libX11 or XCB, must keep working.

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