[Interest] Guide me through the Qt offerings for GUIs

Roland Hughes roland at logikalsolutions.com
Wed Apr 21 13:50:24 CEST 2021

On 4/21/2021 6:36 AM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
> Using Electron has nothing to do with licensing issues. The issue is 
> common programming knowledge level is going down when programmers 
> paradise promised for newcomers: learn HTML programming language 
> (sic!) and you are rich
> btw, is Electron licensed for use in medical devices?

The professional sound equipment company moved from Qt to Electron 
because of licensing. They already had all of the C++ Qt developers. 
They had to learn how to use Electron.

The "Explore this computer" app for Intel made the same move for the 
same reason. A good number of KIOSK applications made the same move for 
the same reason.

As to the licensing, if you can sufficiently distance the UI from the 
code which must be deterministic, you can get away with a lot. There is 
just a __lot__ of paperwork for RISK justification. I got a call from a 
researcher/doctor touting the Johns Hopkins credentials wanting me to 
work on a post-op patient monitor they were going to hook directly to a 
Windows 10 desktop sans an intervening control unit. No, I did not take 
the gig.
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 1:30 PM Roland Hughes 
> <roland at logikalsolutions.com <mailto:roland at logikalsolutions.com>> wrote:
>     LOL,
>     I never said it wasn't. I said phones and John Deere. My point was
>     this:
>     >That tiny subset on the Web site doesn't scratch the surface.
>     Of course the total number of embedded systems using Qt of any
>     flavor is going down as much of the market is moving to Electron
>     and other libraries given the licensing issues.
>     Automotive is a tiny subset of where Qt is historically used.
>     On 4/21/2021 6:26 AM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
>>     With these numbers are you trying to convince me that QML is not
>>     used in embedded? or what?
>>     On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 1:21 PM Roland Hughes
>>     <roland at logikalsolutions.com
>>     <mailto:roland at logikalsolutions.com>> wrote:
>>         On 4/21/2021 12:14 AM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
>>>         On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 3:13 PM Roland Hughes
>>>         <roland at logikalsolutions.com
>>>         <mailto:roland at logikalsolutions.com>> wrote:
>>>             On 4/20/2021 5:00 AM, Giuseppe D'Angelo wrote:
>>>>             On 18/04/2021 14:50, Roland Hughes wrote:
>>>             It's completely true. That tiny subset on the Web site
>>>             doesn't scratch the surface. It certainly doesn't
>>>             encompass my customer base and I haven't heard anyone
>>>             pipe up on here using QML for anything non-significant
>>>             that wasn't phones or John Deere. Even the one medical
>>>             device we have been told about on this list has said you
>>>             can't do anything in QML, only painting.
>>>         its not true. f.ex all Volvo cars from 2015 until this year
>>>         using QML-based apps in their infotainment system
>>         https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/corporate/sales-volumes?year=2015&month=12
>>         <https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/corporate/sales-volumes?year=2015&month=12>
>>         https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/corporate/sales-volumes?year=2016&month=12
>>         <https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/corporate/sales-volumes?year=2016&month=12>
>>         https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/pressreleases/172301/volvo-cars-reports-record-sales-of-503127-in-2015
>>         <https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/pressreleases/172301/volvo-cars-reports-record-sales-of-503127-in-2015>
>>         https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/pressreleases/204359/volvo-cars-reports-operating-profit-of-sek11bn-in-2016
>>         <https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/pressreleases/204359/volvo-cars-reports-operating-profit-of-sek11bn-in-2016>
>>         2015   70,047  U.S.   503,127 global
>>         2016   82,724  U.S.   534,332 global
>>         I guess we need to have some common definition of subset and
>>         surface?
>>         The patient monitors that use Qt sans QML sell millions of
>>         units. Granted, they only cost thousands, not tens of
>>         thousands. The one I worked on that was released some time in
>>         2015 reportedly sold 7 million units in its first few years.
>>         -- 
>>         Roland Hughes, President
>>         Logikal Solutions
>>         (630)-205-1593
>>         https://theminimumyouneedtoknow.com  <https://theminimumyouneedtoknow.com>
>>         https://infiniteexposure.net  <https://infiniteexposure.net>
>>         https://lesedi.us  <https://lesedi.us>
>>         https://johnsmith-book.com  <https://johnsmith-book.com>
>>         https://logikalblog.com  <https://logikalblog.com>
>>         https://interestingauthors.com/blog  <https://interestingauthors.com/blog>
>>     -- 
>>     Best regards,
>>     Vlad
>     -- 
>     Roland Hughes, President
>     Logikal Solutions
>     (630)-205-1593
>     https://theminimumyouneedtoknow.com  <https://theminimumyouneedtoknow.com>
>     https://infiniteexposure.net  <https://infiniteexposure.net>
>     https://lesedi.us  <https://lesedi.us>
>     https://johnsmith-book.com  <https://johnsmith-book.com>
>     https://logikalblog.com  <https://logikalblog.com>
>     https://interestingauthors.com/blog  <https://interestingauthors.com/blog>
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Vlad

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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