[Interest] Trouble compiling qt3d for qt6 on windows 10
Paul Lemire
paul.lemire at kdab.com
Thu Feb 18 07:08:01 CET 2021
On 2/17/21 4:30 PM, Daniel Patel wrote:
> Regarding assimp, it is not in qt3d_build_dir/plugins/sceneparsers,
> only gltf is there.
> I see in the sceneparsers\assimp source code that it seems to use
> zlib, so perhaps this is the problem. I will recompile things with
> zlib library included.
> The ability to now choose opengl/vulkan/metal/directx backend is
> impressive work.
> Regarding using OpenGL/RHI backend, does this mean that QtQuick always
> uses RHI and that consequently Qt3D code inside a Scene3D(which is
> QtQuick) will also be limited to RHI type OpenGL?
In Qt 6, afaik QtQuick always uses RHI. You can still use the advanced
opengl backend of Qt 3D (QT3D_RENDERER=opengl) but you need to make sure
that the RHI backend selected by QtQuick is OpenGL.
> If that is the case, it will be hard to port Qt5 applications using
> advanced Qt3D/OpenGL over to Qt6.
> ons. 17. feb. 2021 kl. 12:27 skrev Paul Lemire <paul.lemire at kdab.com
> <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com>>:
> On 2/17/21 11:15 AM, Daniel Patel wrote:
>> Actually all errors except the missing assimpl plugin problem
>> went away when also setting environment variable QSG_RHI_BACKEND
>> to opengl
>> So the only open question now is how to get the assimp to work.
> Do you have a sceneparsers/libassimpgsceenimport in your
> qt3d_build_dir/plugins/sceneparsers? Was that sceneparsers folder
> copied to qt_install_dir/plugins/?
>> And a new question is: why does it matter what QSG_RHI_BACKEND is
>> set to when I already specified that qt3d should use opengl
>> directly and not use opengl through RHI (which has limited
>> functionality)
> QSG_RHI_BACKEND does 2 things:
> 1) It tells Qt 3D when using the RHI rendering backend which
> underlying API it should target (only useful when
> QT3D_RENDERER=rhi which is the default).
> 2) It also tells QtQuick (which now uses RHI) which backend it
> should work.
> So what could have happened is that on an example using both
> QtQuick and Qt3D, you had QT3D_RENDERER=opengl so Qt 3D was using
> OpenGL but QtQuick was using RHI and defaulted to a different
> rendering backend than OpenGL.
>> ons. 17. feb. 2021 kl. 10:59 skrev Daniel Patel
>> <danielpatel.no at gmail.com <mailto:danielpatel.no at gmail.com>>:
>> Thank you Mike for telling how to send in parameters
>> correctly. For the qt-configure-module.bat the syntax
>> "-DFEATURE_qt3d_simd_avx2=ON" worked but I didn't need to set
>> it. The other syntax "-- -qt3d-simd=avx2" worked for the qt6
>> configure script and I was able to tell it where zlib was by
>> using "configure -prefix C:\Qt\Qt-6.1 -debug-and-release --
>> -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:/Users/danie/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib/zlib.lib
>> --
>> -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Users/danie/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/include"
>> I will try to use this for including zlib so that perhaps the
>> "zlib.h not found" error goes away when compiling qt3d6.0.1
>> (qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.1)
>> Currently I was able to compile qt3d6.0.0
>> (qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.0), but I had to first compile qt6,
>> then add the qt3d folder and then compile qt3d. If the qt3d
>> folder is present when qt6 starts compiling, it tries to
>> compile qt3d folder as well, but fails.
>> Another thing is that when compiling qt6 with --paralell
>> keyword, sometimes I got an internal compiler error. But then
>> I would just issue the compile command again and it continued.
>> After compilation, I copied the dlls over to the install
>> folder according to Pauls advice.
>> I tried out the qt3d examples (after setting environment
>> variable QT3D_RENDERER to opengl). Most worked, but a few didn't:
>> -multiviewport example gave error "Found no suitable importer
>> plugin for QUrl("qrc:/Gear_scene.dae")"
>> I also actually had this error when compiling qt5.15.2. It
>> seems like assimp is not made automatically anymore.
>> Is it because "Checking for Assimp", and "System Assimp"
>> returns no as shown below?
>> ------
>> Checking for Assimp... no
>> Checking for Autodesk FBX... no
>> Qt 3D:
>> Assimp ................................. yes
>> System Assimp .......................... no
>> -----
>> -compute-particles and some other examples gave this error:
>> ASSERT: "QOpenGLContext::currentContext()" in file
>> C:\qtsrc\qt61\qt5\qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.0\src\quick3d\imports\scene3d\scene3drenderer.cpp,
>> line 271
>> tir. 16. feb. 2021 kl. 15:17 skrev Mike Krus
>> <mike.krus at kdab.com <mailto:mike.krus at kdab.com>>:
>> Hi
>> Assuming qt-configure-module.bat invokes qmake, the right
>> way of passing the configure options is “-- -qt3d-simd=avx2”
>> If it’s invokes cmake, then try -DFEATURE_qt3d_simd_avx2=ON
>> Mike
>> —
>> Mike Krus | mike.krus at kdab.com
>> <mailto:mike.krus at kdab.com> | Senior Software Engineer &
>> Teamlead
>> KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company
>> Tel: UK Office +44 1625 809908 Mobile +44 7833 491941
>> KDAB - The Qt Experts, C++, OpenGL Experts
>> > On 16 Feb 2021, at 13:31, Daniel Patel
>> <danielpatel.no at gmail.com
>> <mailto:danielpatel.no at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Using a space didn't work either. I will try to use
>> cmake though.
>> > The reason I wanted to use avx2 was to try to get rid
>> of the compilation error: Project ERROR: Could not find
>> feature qt3d-simd-avx2
>> >
>> >
>> > tir. 16. feb. 2021 kl. 14:22 skrev Paul Lemire
>> <paul.lemire at kdab.com <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com>>:
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2/16/21 1:33 PM, Daniel Patel wrote:
>> >> Thanks a lot for the reply Paul, it was useful as always.
>> >> Copying the files made the qt3d examples work!
>> >> I realized that the compile error showed up because
>> qt6 itself was only compiled in debug mode.
>> >> With the appropriate flag to the configure script, qt6
>> now compiles both in debug and in release.
>> >>
>> >> However, now when compiling qt3d I ran into the error
>> : "Could not find feature qt3d-simd-avx2" (I already
>> configured and compiled qt6 with -avx2 flag)
>> >> I am just not able to tell/configure qt3d to use avx2
>> instead of sse2. Currently "qmake .." returns:
>> >> Use SSE2 instructions .................. yes
>> >>
>> >> Use AVX2 instructions .................. no
>> >>
>> >> After running configure for the qt6 build I got this
>> text as output:
>> >> "To configure and build other Qt modules, you can use
>> the following convenience script:
>> >> C:/Qt/Qt-6.1/bin/qt-configure-module.bat"
>> >> So i did a "c:\Qt\Qt-6.1\bin\qt-configure-module.bat
>> qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.0 --qt3d-simd=avx2" but that
>> failed with "Unknown command line option
>> '--qt3d-simd=avx2'" (I also tried -avx2-qt3d-simd and
>> -qt3d-simd-avx2)
>> >> Anyone knows how to set configure flags for qt3d
>> before compiling it?
>> >
>> > What about -qt3d-simd avx2 (just a space)? That's what
>> I use when compiling on linux with qmake. For Qt 6, I've
>> switched to cmake though, option to use is
>> -DFEATURE_qt3d_simd_avx2=ON on the cmake command line.
>> >
>> > That being said, the avx2 option for Qt 3D essentially
>> only yields better performance when we multiply matrices
>> internally. The sse2 option is not much slower, a lot
>> faster than relying on QMatrix4x4 (though this might have
>> changed in Qt6, haven't checked).
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >> On a side note I also was not able to get qt6
>> configure script to detect zlib libraries even though I
>> set appropriate environment variables and sent in paths
>> using both -D option as well as -I and -L option.
>> >>
>> >> man. 15. feb. 2021 kl. 11:47 skrev Paul Lemire
>> <paul.lemire at kdab.com <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com>>:
>> >> I can't really help about the compile issues. But I
>> should be able to help regarding the plugin error.
>> >>
>> >> You likely need to copy a few more things from the
>> qt3d build dir to your Qt install dir:
>> >>
>> >> qt3d_build_dir/qml/Qt3D into Qt_Install_Dir/qml/
>> >>
>> >> qt3d_build_dir/qml/QtQuick/* into
>> Qt_Install_Dir/qml/QtQuick/
>> >>
>> >> qt3d_build_dir/plugins/* into Qt_Install_Dir/plugins/
>> >>
>> >> (the plugins dir contains a renderers folder which
>> contains the Qt3D render plugins)
>> >>
>> >> I hope that helps,
>> >>
>> >> Paul
>> >>
>> >> On 2/15/21 11:03 AM, Daniel Patel wrote:
>> >>> I have compiled qt6.1 from source which works and now
>> I am trying to compile qt3d also from source by
>> downloading from
>> https://download.qt.io/official_releases/additional_libraries/qt3d/6.0/6.0.0/
>> <https://download.qt.io/official_releases/additional_libraries/qt3d/6.0/6.0.0/>
>> and following the qmake instructions from:
>> https://www.kdab.com/getting-your-3d-ready-for-qt-6/
>> <https://www.kdab.com/getting-your-3d-ready-for-qt-6/>
>> >>>
>> >>> I first tried to download and compile
>> qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.1 but got an error about missing
>> zlib.h. Instead of trying to fix this I quickly instead
>> tried with qt3d-everywhere-src-6.0.0 and this compiled fine.
>> >>> However it only compiled debug dlls and not release
>> dlls. I tried to do nmake all and nmake release but the
>> latter gave the error "NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't
>> know how to make 'C:\qtsrc\qt61\qt5\qtbase\lib\Qt6Gui.lib'"
>> >>>
>> >>> I then decided to try out the debug build. First I
>> noticed that the qt3d dlls didnt seem to have been copied
>> over to the correct folder when I did nmake install. So I
>> copied them over manually and then started
>> basicshapes-cpp.exe, but this showed the runtime error:
>> Unable to find renderer plugin for opengl.
>> >>> Any hints for what to do?
>> >>>
>> >>> Best
>> >>> Daniel
>> >>>
>> >>>
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>> >> --
>> >> Paul Lemire |
>> >> paul.lemire at kdab.com <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com>
>> >> | Senior Software Engineer
>> >> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
>> >> Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
>> >> http://www.kdab.fr <http://www.kdab.fr>
>> >>
>> >> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
>> >>
>> > --
>> > Paul Lemire |
>> > paul.lemire at kdab.com <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com>
>> > | Senior Software Engineer
>> > KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
>> > Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
>> > http://www.kdab.fr <http://www.kdab.fr>
>> >
>> > KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
>> >
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> --
> Paul Lemire |paul.lemire at kdab.com <mailto:paul.lemire at kdab.com> | Senior Software Engineer
> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
> Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,http://www.kdab.fr <http://www.kdab.fr>
> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
Paul Lemire | paul.lemire at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel: France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53, http://www.kdab.fr
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
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