[Interest] HowTo get rid of QNetworkConfigurationManager-is-deprecated-warnings

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Wed Jun 16 22:39:37 CEST 2021

Am 16.06.21 um 21:30 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
> On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 10:09:05 PDT ekke wrote:
>> Of course I would like to get all other deprecation warnings to fix
>> them, but for QNCM and network accessibility there is no way to fix them
>> because the new QNetworkInformation class doesn’t exist in 5.15.
> For those classes, the proper course of action is to simply remove your code
> that relied on them, because they don't work properly in the first place.
I really need the classes for my Qt 5.15 mobile apps. It works well on 
Android and for iOS I'm using Apple's Reachability classes. On Qt6 it 
will be easier, because I can use QNetworkInformation for Android and iOS.

My apps support working in online/offline - scenarios where the app 
watches for signals from QNCM (on Android) and from Apple's Reachability 
Classes (on iOS).

per ex: my app for nurses out there at outbound services driving throug 
areas with or without network coverage. while doing their work for 
patients the work done must be sent to the server (temperature, weight, 
...) all things done are placed into a queue - each single step done is 
one entry.

if the device is online data is sent to server one by one, if not the 
device is waiting for the next online event.

also supports app - lifecycle: if the app is suspended (in the 
background) sending data to server from my queue is stopped. if app is 
coming back to foreground (active) I'm checking if isOnline - if yes I 
continue sending the data, if not waiting again for online.

in the evening when the tour is finished and nurse wants to logoff, the 
app is testing if there are still items in the queue and if the device 
is offline, so user can get a message: "there's still data to be sent, 
you're offline, please check internet connection and uplaod data before 
quit. This is the only case where user notices that there's some magic 
automatically sending data to server.


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