[Interest] Qt Creator is so buggy and so slow...

eric.fedosejevs at gmail.com eric.fedosejevs at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 14:24:01 CET 2021

Not sure if it's an option for you guys, but I've been very impressed by the rapid pace of improvement of Qt/CMake/Git/Linux x-compilation tools in MSVC over the past couple of years. They have all gone from being semi-supported add-ons to fully-integrated and functional in the IDE (including even a nested QtDesigner window). I've been working on a CMake/QWidget project and have not had to open up QtCreator itself in about half a year.

MS has also really improved its support game. I'm just a lowly open-source "Community Edition" user and my bug reports have all been reproduced/addressed within a day or two.


-----Original Message-----
From: Interest <interest-bounces at qt-project.org> On Behalf Of Max Paperno
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 7:42 AM
To: interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt Creator is so buggy and so slow...

> On 3/18/2021 8:38 PM, Alexander Dyagilev wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Often it just stops to suggest code, syntax highlighted stops working 
>> (at least for a part of the code) for no apparent reason.
>> It takes apporx. 10 seconds to parse c++ file for c++ tools to start 
>> working. If you open/close/open same c++ it can stop parsing it until 
>> app restart.
>> App restart often helps to fix these bugs, but they do return in a 
>> small amount of time...
>> Any suggestions?

I often disable the "new" clang-based parser when I'm working on a project of any significant size/complexity.  The extra hinting and some other features it provides are nice, but not really worth the expense. 
8 x 3.5GHz cores I guess aren't enough to parse my code in real time.  I can edit 4K video in real time on this computer, but not really use the clang-parsing in QtC on a "big" project where it would be most useful. 
All my "valuable feedback" on the issue was summarily ignored, and unfortunately the old code model is no longer maintained (despite some pleas to keep it current), and has some minor issues.  But it's fast and still works good enough (last I checked). The clang parser/analyzer can then be run manually as needed to catch any possible outlier issues.

I absolutely can't stand having to restart my editors (tools) all the time.  And this stuff typically happens when I'm right in mid-flow of work.  It's like being 25' up on a ladder with a screw gun that only sometimes works...  yea that's getting tossed in the rubbish bin.

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