[Interest] OSX security – allow dialogue

Nuno Santos nuno.santos at imaginando.pt
Sun Oct 10 14:19:38 CEST 2021


You need to code sign with entitlements to get rid of this problems on Mac OS >= 10.14.6

From my point of view is already a good reason to pay 99 EUR a year.

I consider it quite cheap compared with a EV code signing certificate for Windows which is usually >= 250 EUR a year.



> On 10 Oct 2021, at 12:53, Alexander Carôt <Alexander_Carot at gmx.net> wrote:
> When the cam is not authorized by the user it will crash upon initialization because it has no entry in the security settings. 
> Running the app via terminal works out because the terminal always has these permissions.
> With audio it’s more tricky: When the mic is not authorized by the user the sound input will still launch (and not crash) but it will not capture any audio data.

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