[Interest] Crash in QAbstractEventDispatcher::filterNativeEvent when trying to show a QMessageBox
Rainer Wiesenfarth
rainer_wiesenfarth at trimble.com
Thu Apr 14 15:24:29 CEST 2022
Qt Version: 5.15.1 / OS Version: Windows 11
Hi all,
I spent already a full day searching for a nasty crash
in QAbstractEventDispatcher::filterNativeEvent() when I try to open a
Has anyone an idea what could have caused this behavior?
I don't use explicit event filters, so I have no idea where the invalid
filter should come from. However, I am using QThread, and the crash happens
in a slot connected (queued connection) to a signal emitted by the thread
(m_pWorkerThread). The slot looks like this:
void MyMainWindow::threadDone()
m_pWorkerThread = nullptr;
QMessageBox::information( this, "MyApplication", "Processing finished." );
Call Stack:
> Qt5Core_TP.dll!QAbstractEventDispatcher::filterNativeEvent(const
QByteArray & eventType, void * message, long * result) Line 495 C++
[Inline Frame] qwindows.dll!QWindowsContext::filterNativeEvent(tagMSG *)
Line 1728 C++
qwindows.dll!QWindowsContext::windowsProc(HWND__ * hwnd, unsigned int
message, QtWindows::WindowsEventType et, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64
lParam, __int64 * result, QWindowsWindow * * platformWindowPtr) Line 1157
qwindows.dll!qWindowsWndProc(HWND__ * hwnd, unsigned int message,
unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 1684 C++
user32.dll!UserCallWinProcCheckWow() Unknown
user32.dll!DispatchClientMessage() Unknown
user32.dll!__fnINLPCREATESTRUCT() Unknown
ntdll.dll!KiUserCallbackDispatcherContinue () Unknown
win32u.dll!NtUserCreateWindowEx () Unknown
user32.dll!VerNtUserCreateWindowEx() Unknown
user32.dll!CreateWindowInternal() Unknown
user32.dll!CreateWindowExW () Unknown
qwindows.dll!WindowCreationData::create(const QWindow * w, const
QWindowsWindowData & data, QString title) Line 809 C++
qwindows.dll!QWindowsWindowData::create(const QWindow * w, const
QWindowsWindowData & parameters, const QString & title) Line 1553 C++
qwindows.dll!QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformWindow(QWindow * window)
Line 348 C++
Qt5Gui_TP.dll!QWindowPrivate::create(bool recursive, unsigned __int64
nativeHandle) Line 527 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QWidgetPrivate::create() Line 1316 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QWidget::create(unsigned __int64 window, bool
initializeWindow, bool destroyOldWindow) Line 1182 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QWidgetPrivate::setVisible(bool visible) Line 8062 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QWidget::setVisible(bool visible) Line 8044 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QDialog::setVisible(bool visible) Line 791 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QDialog::exec() Line 595 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!showNewMessageBox(QWidget * parent, QMessageBox::Icon
icon, const QString & title, const QString & text, QFlags<enum
QMessageBox::StandardButton> buttons, QMessageBox::StandardButton
defaultButton) Line 1647 C++
Qt5Widgets_TP.dll!QMessageBox::information(QWidget * parent, const
QString & title, const QString & text, QFlags<enum
QMessageBox::StandardButton> buttons, QMessageBox::StandardButton
defaultButton) Line 1683 C++
Debugger data at the location of the crash (look at "filter"):
- d 0x0000020000030600 {threadId=0x00004d60 interrupt={...}
internalHwnd=0x00000000003c087e {unused=??? } ...}
QAbstractEventDispatcherPrivate * const {QEventDispatcherWin32Private}
- [QEventDispatcherWin32Private] {threadId=0x00004d60 interrupt={...}
internalHwnd=0x00000000003c087e {unused=??? } ...}
+ QAbstractEventDispatcherPrivate {eventFilters={ size = 0x00000001 } }
threadId 0x00004d60 unsigned long
+ interrupt {...} QAtomicInt
+ internalHwnd 0x00000000003c087e {unused=??? } HWND__ *
+ getMessageHook 0x000000000aba0ab9 {unused=0x00000000 } HHOOK__ *
sendPostedEventsTimerId 0x0000000000000000 unsigned __int64
+ wakeUps {...} QAtomicInt
+ timerVec { size = 0x00000003 } QList<WinTimerInfo *>
+ timerDict { size = 0x00000003 } QHash<int,WinTimerInfo *>
+ sn_read { size = 0x00000000 } QHash<int,QSockNot *>
+ sn_write { size = 0x00000000 } QHash<int,QSockNot *>
+ sn_except { size = 0x00000000 } QHash<int,QSockNot *>
+ active_fd { size = 0x00000000 } QHash<int,QSockFd>
activateNotifiersPosted false bool
closingDown false bool
winEventNotifierListModified false bool
winEventNotifierActivatedEvent 0x0000000000000000 void *
+ winEventNotifierList { size = 0x00000000 } QList<QWinEventNotifier *>
+ queuedUserInputEvents { size = 0x00000000 } QList<tagMSG>
+ queuedSocketEvents { size = 0x00000000 } QList<tagMSG>
+ QObjectPrivate {extraData=0x0000020000063780 {userData={ size =
0x00000000 } propertyNames={ size = 0x00000000 } propertyValues=...} ...}
+ eventFilters { size = 0x00000001 } QList<QAbstractNativeEventFilter *>
+ eventType windows_generic_MSG const QByteArray &
+ *filter *0x00000200048cefc0 {d=*0xdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf* {...} }
QAbstractNativeEventFilter *
i 0x00000000 int
message 0x000000000014a720 void *
- result 0x000000000014a6f8 {0x00000000} long *
0x00000000 long
- scopeLevelCounter {threadData=0x00000200000e0600 {_ref={...}
loopLevel=0x00000001 scopeLevel=0x00000002 ...} } QScopedScopeLevelCounter
- threadData 0x00000200000e0600 {_ref={...} loopLevel=0x00000001
scopeLevel=0x00000002 ...} QThreadData *
+ _ref {...} QAtomicInt
loopLevel 0x00000001 int
scopeLevel 0x00000002 int
+ eventLoops { size = 0x00000001 } QStack<QEventLoop *>
+ postEventList { size = 0x00000050 } QPostEventList
+ thread {...} QAtomicPointer<QThread>
+ threadId {...} QAtomicPointer<void>
+ eventDispatcher {...} QAtomicPointer<QAbstractEventDispatcher>
+ tls { size = 0x00000008 } QVector<void *>
+ flaggedSignatures {idx=0x000002d0 locations=0x00000200000e0660
{0x0000000140855740 "1postprocess()", 0x0000000140855790
"2calculationDone()"} } QThreadData::FlaggedDebugSignatures
quitNow false bool
canWait false bool
isAdopted true bool
requiresCoreApplication true bool
Rainer Wiesenfarth
Senior Software Engineer
Geospatial Division
Rotebühlstr. 81, 70178 Stuttgart
Rainer_Wiesenfarth at trimble.com
Trimble Germany GmbH, Am Prime Parc 11, 65479 Raunheim, Eingetragen beim
Amtsgericht Darmstadt unter HRB 83893, Geschäftsführer: Rob Reeder, Jürgen
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