[Interest] QRegularExpression for replace

Tony Rietwyk tony at rightsoft.com.au
Fri Dec 2 01:59:58 CET 2022

On 2/12/2022 6:43 am, Scott Bloom wrote:
> Im looking for a way using QRE to do something like the following
> auto regEx = QRegularExpression( “(?<name>.*)” );
> if ( regEx.match( string ) )
>                 auto newString = regEx.replace( string, “${name}” );
> Using the standard set of regex subsitutions
> Is this something anyone is looking at? Or is there a solution outthere?
> Scott
Hi Scott,

I have no idea what 'the standard set of regex substitutions' are, but 
have you seen QString replace(const QRegularExpression &re, const 
QString &after) ?

It supports capturing groups in the after string as well.

Hope that helps,


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