[Interest] [External]Re: How to get QtConcurrent to do what I want?
Tony Rietwyk
tony at rightsoft.com.au
Mon Jan 31 02:26:45 CET 2022
That's looks OK. Why does the tile object creation take so long? Is
all of the image handling in tile::process, or does tile constructor
extract from the original?
Regards, Tony
On 31/01/2022 11:59 am, Murphy, Sean wrote:
> Thanks for the response, but I'm not following your suggestion - or at
> least I'm not seeing how it's different than what I'm doing? Maybe a
> little pseudocode will help. Here's what I'm currently doing:
> Tile class:
> private:
> QPointmPos;
> intmSize;
> tile::tile(QPointpos,intsize):
> mPos(pos),
> mSize(size)
> {
> // assigns this tile an mSize x mSize square
> // from the original image starting at mPos
> // pixel location in the original image
> }
> voidtile::process()
> {
> // does the work on the assigned subset
> }
> TileManager:
> private:
> QVector<QSharedPointer<tile>> mTiles;
> processTile(QSharedPointer<tile>& t)
> {
> t->process();
> }
> tileManager::setup(QSize tileGrid, int tileSize)
> {
> //generateeachtilewithitsassignment
> for(inti=0;i<tileGrid.height();++i)
> {
> for(intj=0;j<tileGrid.width();++j)
> {
> // create the new tile while assign its
> // region of the original image
> QSharedPointer<tile>t(newtile(
> QPoint(j*tileSize,i*tileSize),
> tileSize));
> mTiles.append(t);
> }
> }
> QtConcurrent::map(mTiles,processTile);
> }
> So I think I'm already doing what you're saying? Where I'm paying the
> penalty is that the allocation of each tile is happening in one thread
> and I'd like to see if I can thread out the object creation. But I
> don't see how to simultaneously thread out the tile objection creation
> AND correctly assign the tile its location since as far as I can tell,
> when QtConcurrent executes tileManager's processTile function in
> parallel there's nothing I can poll inside tileManager::processTile()
> that allows me to know WHICH step I'm at.
> Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
> The best thing I can come up with is that maybe I could change the
> type of my mTiles vector to be a QVector<QPoint>> but then I'd still
> need to loop through nested for-loop to populate all the QPoint items
> in the vector I want to pass to QtConcurrent::map(). I have tried that
> yet to see if generating thousands of QPoint objects is faster than
> generating the same number of tiles, but I can test that out.
> Sean
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Interest <interest-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Tony
> Rietwyk <tony at rightsoft.com.au>
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 30, 2022 7:19 PM
> *To:* interest at qt-project.org <interest at qt-project.org>
> *Subject:* [External]Re: [Interest] How to get QtConcurrent to do what
> I want?
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
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> Hi Sean,
> Can you use the position of the tile as a unique key? Then the
> manager only needs to calculate each tile's position in the original
> image. Each tile extracts the bits, processes and notifies the result
> with its position.
> Regards, Tony
> On 31/01/2022 10:06 am, Murphy, Sean wrote:
>> I'm hitting a design issue with the way I'm using the QtConcurrent
>> module to do some image processing, and I'm wondering if someone can
>> give some pointers?
>> At a high level, the software needs to do some processing on every
>> pixel of an image. The processing can mostly be done in parallel, so
>> I've created the following:
>> 1. Tile class - responsible for doing the processing on a small
>> subset of the original image
>> 1. Has a constructor that takes a Position and Size. From those
>> parameters, the Tile knows what subset of the original image
>> it is going to process
>> 2. Has a process() function which will do the work on those
>> assigned pixels
>> 2. TileManager class - responsible for managing the Tile objects
>> 1. Contains a for-loop that creates each Tile object, assigns it
>> a unique Position, and adds it to the QVector<Tile> vector
>> 2. Has a processTile(Tile& t) function which calls t.process()
>> to tell a given Tile to begin its work
>> 3. Calls QtConcurrent::map(tiles, processTile) to process each tile
>> So far this works well, but as I was timing different parts of the
>> codebase, I discovered that a large portion of the time is spent
>> allocating the QVector<Tile> vector (step 2a above) before I get to
>> the concurrent processing call. The reason why is obvious to me - I
>> need to ensure that each tile is created with a unique assignment and
>> as far as I can see, that need to happen in a single thread? If I
>> could instead pass off the Tile creation to the parallel processing
>> step, I might be able to improve the overall performance, but I don't
>> see a way around it within the QtConcurrent framework.
>> How can I go about creating Tile objects in parallel AND ensure that
>> each of them gets a unique Position assignment? I could easily move
>> the Tile allocation into processTile(), but if I do that, I don't see
>> a way make the unique position assignment since I don't see how a
>> given call to processTile() would know where it is in the overall
>> parallelization sequence to determine what Position to assign to the
>> Tile it creates. If I were using something like CUDA, I could use
>> things like blockIdx and threadIdx to do that, but as far as I can
>> see, those concepts don't exist (or at least aren't exposed) in
>> QtConcurrent.
>> Any thoughts?
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