[Interest] custom string encoder/decoder

Manner Róbert rmanni at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 16:45:21 CEST 2022


previously we used QTextCodec to implement our custom (ebcdic) text 
codecs. We mainly used these for iterating through the available codecs 
and as an abstraction for doing an actual conversion from codec -> utf-8.

As far as I see, there is no similar API in Qt6 (except from 
qt5compatibility), right? So I can't really extend the available codecs 
now, can I?

Also it seems to me (from docs) that Qt no longer supports any codec 
other than utf-* and iso8859-1, is that right? Do you know of any good 
libs to fill that gap? Or is the best approach to call iconv directly?

Thanks for any pointers in advance,


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