[Interest] Qt 5 -> 6: In QQmlEngine, Qt.Checked, etc. are no longer available
Thorbjørn Lindeijer
bjorn at lindeijer.nl
Mon Jun 20 17:02:32 CEST 2022
Dear list,
I'd like to upgrade the releases of my application from Qt 5.15 to Qt 6.2, but I'm met with a loss in functionality that I'm not sure how to resolve.
My application is scriptable using QQmlEngine, and with Qt 5, the loaded JS files had the global Qt namespace values available as part of the "Qt" variable:
> Object.keys(Qt)
The list goes on and on, so I've truncated it. But now with Qt 6, only a handful of members remain, basically none of the global namespace values are available anymore:
> Object.keys(Qt)
I did a quick test by loading a QML file, and in that file the value of Qt.Checked is available:
const f = __filename
const c = Qt.createComponent(`${FileInfo.path(f)}/test.qml`)
let window = c.createObject()
tiled.log(`from JS module: ${Qt.Checked}`)
import QtQml
QtObject {
Component.onCompleted: {
tiled.log(`from QML component: ${Qt.Checked}`)
The output:
Importing module '/home/bjorn/.config/tiled/extensions/modules.mjs'
from QML component: 2
from JS module: undefined
Does anybody have any idea how I can make the Qt namespace values available in JS files when using Qt 6? This is critical since I depend on a number of these values in my scripting API.
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