[Interest] What is the right way of creating a static lib that has qml resources with cmake?

Nuno Santos nuno.santos at imaginando.pt
Thu Jan 12 13:42:56 CET 2023


What version of Qt are you using?

I’ve also tried with 6.4.2 before creating the bug report. Same problem!

Here is the link -> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-110110

Thank you!



> On 12 Jan 2023, at 09:30, Ulf Hermann <ulf.hermann at qt.io> wrote:
> It works fine here. Please file a bug report with all the details (platform, Qt version etc). Also please state whether you are trying to run the example from the build directory or from some deployment.
> best regards,
> Ulf

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