[Interest] Playing RTSP video on android

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Fri Jul 12 19:18:37 CEST 2024

have you tried Qt Example Declarative Camera ?
you should be able to record or view videos.
sometimes there are problems running on emulator, so it's a good idea to 

Am 10.07.24 um 19:32 schrieb Israel Brewster via Interest:
> Environment:
> Qt version: 6.6.3
> Android version: 14, running via emulator
> Android build-tools version: 34.0.0 (also tried 31.0.0)
> Android build platform SDK: android-33 (also tried android-34)
> JDK version 17 (tried 21 early on, but that one wouldn’t even 
> build/deploy)
> NDK version 25.1.8937393 (26.1.10909125 and 27.0.11902837 don’t create 
> any kits, so not using them)
> Building using Qt Creator version 12.0.2 on MacOS
> Question/problem:
> So now that I have photos displaying on Android, I wanted to be able 
> to display a RTSP stream. To that end, I have the following code:
> void MainWindow::testMediaPlayer(){
>     if(videoFrame!=nullptr){
>         videoFrame->deleteLater();
>     }
>     videoFrame=new QVideoWidget;
>     ui->videoLayout->addWidget(videoFrame);
>     if(videoPlayer!=nullptr){
>         videoPlayer->deleteLater();
>     }
>     if(audioOutput!=nullptr){
>         audioOutput->deleteLater();
>     }
>     videoPlayer=new QMediaPlayer;
>     connect(this, &MainWindow::stopRTSP,
>            videoPlayer,&QMediaPlayer::stop,
>            Qt::QueuedConnection);
>     audioOutput=new QAudioOutput;
>     videoPlayer->setAudioOutput(audioOutput);
>     videoPlayer->setVideoOutput(videoFrame);
> videoPlayer->setSource(QUrl("rtsp://xx.xx.xx.xx:554/11"));
>     ui->viewStack->setCurrentIndex(1); //using a stacked widget to 
> display video separately from still images.
>     videoPlayer->play();
> }
> This code works fine when compiled/run on my mac, but when run on 
> Android I just get a black screen. The QMediaPlayer documentation 
> seems to indicate that FFMPEG is used on both Mac and Android 
> platforms, so it seems as though if it works on one, it should work on 
> the other (unless the Android version of FFMPEG is more limited?)
> I tried giving my app the android.permission.INTERNET, which returns 
> that it is granted when I request it, but that doesn’t appear to have 
> helped.
> Also, VLC on the emulator does play the video correctly, so apparently 
> it’s not an access issue with the tablet not being able to access the 
> stream.
> ---
> Israel Brewster
> Software Engineer
> Alaska Volcano Observatory
> Geophysical Institute - UAF
> 2156 Koyukuk Drive
> Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
> Work: 907-474-5172
> cell:  907-328-9145
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