[Interest] Android Build fails with Gradle qtGradlePluginType

Marius Kittler mkittler at suse.de
Tue Jul 23 20:09:21 CEST 2024


the packaging you mentioned (and that I maintain) worked for me last time I 
tried. Be sure to use Java 17 to workaround https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/
QTBUG-119223 (although the error message in your case looks a bit different).

Otherwise you probably need to find out how to get a more verbose error 
message. Maybe you can also share your code with us so we can spot possible 

Example build commands I used to build one of my apps using the mentioned 
packaging (contains "export …" command to use Java 17):

You can also inspect the other files in that repo to see what you might be 
missing but the app unfortunately requires Kirigami so you won't be able to 
build it. So you probably better checkout one of the Qt examples that also 
come with Android support and cross-check whether you can build those (using 
similar commands).

Here is also an example CMake preset to use the packaging (which makes it very 
convenient to use):

Best Regards
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