[Interest] QtCS24: Call for Topics!

Pedro Bessa pedro.bessa at qt.io
Thu Jun 27 12:05:43 CEST 2024

Hi everyone,

Here is a reminder to register for our upcoming Qt Contributor Summit!
Additionally, we encourage external developers, contributors and users to add your talk proposals to our program.
We are eager to hear your user perspective, (F)OSS experience with Qt, porting, and so on.

Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Z7HQIE15ikSdAarszBEkrArpzSaOjg5Akg0mgdu88JlUNzZTUEk3Q1BURkZWS09PUUdQRU1HVUoySy4u

Add your talks here: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contributor_Summit_2024_-_Program

Qt Contributor Summit 2024
5-6 Sep, 2024
CCW, Würzburg, Germany
(followed by KDE Akademy: https://akademy.kde.org/2024/)

Pedro Bessa
Qt Community Specialist

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