[JEG] Fwd: Bugreports for Playground projects

Laszlo Papp lpapp at kde.org
Tue May 8 09:09:47 CEST 2012


Forwarding my question from the development mailing list...

Please feel free to browse the relevant thread over there online:

Best Regards,
Laszlo Papp

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laszlo Papp <lpapp at kde.org>
Date: Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:02 PM
Subject: Bugreports for Playground projects
To: development at qt-project.org


JIRA does not currently have entries for playground projects (for
instance a playground project, and then the relevant components). Is
it possible to ask for something like that, or is there a better
approach ? JIRA addition would probably require the extension on
demand when a gerrit project entry is added for instance. The removal
would for example happen when the project graduates from playground.

I do not see any mentionings here about handling bugreports:

Best Regards,
Laszlo Papp

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