[PySide] Obtaining QObject from PySide based PyObject (complete)

David García Garzón david.garcia at upf.edu
Mon Aug 27 21:12:27 CEST 2012

Sorry for the previous unfinished message. Here goes the final one.

I am porting a CPython library (boost based indeed) from PyQt to PySide.
I had a function in the library that received a Sip wrapped widget 
as a PyObject and I used the very ugly SIP api to recover a pointer to the 
actual C++ QObject. 

Does anyone know how recover the C++ QObject from the PyObject in PySide?


PS: If someone is curious the current sip unwrapper, based on some snippets i 
found, is in here:
And the function  which uses it is bindUi in

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