[PySide] right clicking on QTableView to get selected rows

Frank Rueter | OHUfx frank at ohufx.com
Wed Aug 29 02:45:58 CEST 2012

brilliant, just adding actions to the widget itself and using 
self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsContextMenu) works nicely.
I was way over complicating this task.
Thank you!!

On 28/08/12 9:41 PM, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
> cool, thanks Tibold. That sounds like the right lead.
> I will investigate...
> On 28/08/12 9:37 PM, Tibold Kandrai wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are multiple ways to deal with the context menus. You don't 
>> necessarily need to use the mousePressEvent.
>> I would use or the customContextMenuRequested signal or adding 
>> actions to the view. Note you also need to set the contextMenuPolicy 
>> to ActionsContextMenu or CustomContextMenu depending on which you use.
>> References:
>>   * http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qwidget.html#customContextMenuRequested
>>   * http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qwidget.html#contextMenuPolicy-prop
>>   * http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qwidget.html#addAction
>> I am not sure though how the selection works exactly with the context 
>> menu. But in the customContextMenuRequested you can get the right 
>> clicked row's index easily like this:
>> model_index = self.indexAt(point)
>> Hope this helps,
>> Tibold
>> 2012/8/28 Frank Rueter | OHUfx <frank at ohufx.com <mailto:frank at ohufx.com>>
>>     Hi everybody,
>>     I'm trying to implement a simple right click menu for a QTableView to
>>     work with the selected rows. The basics seem to work nicely but
>>     it seems
>>     like the selectionModel() gets updated AFTER the mousePressEvent
>>     registered, meaning if the right selection that happens on right
>>     lcick
>>     is not yet included in the  selecetdRows() return value.
>>     How do I best ensure that whatever row is right clicked is
>>     included in
>>     the selectionModel().selectedRows(0)?
>>     Here is my code:
>>     class ToolsView(QTableView):
>>          def __init__(self, parent=None):
>>              super(ToolsView, self).__init__(parent)
>>              self.setSortingEnabled(True)
>>      self.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
>>      self.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
>>     self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows)
>>          def mousePressEvent(self, event):
>>              mouseBtn = event.button()
>>              if mouseBtn == Qt.MouseButton.RightButton:
>>                  print self.selectionModel().selectedRows(0)
>>              super(InstalledToolsView, self).mousePressEvent(event)
>>     Cheers,
>>     frank
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>> -- 
>> Kandrai Tibold
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